
When we are traversing the dark nights of our souls, we are experiencing fearful thoughts and chaos. We are confused with our thoughts, our lighted path and our happiness. We become fragmented with who we are. It is a part of clearing, so easy to get lost. Even when we are trying so hard to be in the right path, one choice will take us to a different trajectory. What needs to be clear and release? When we are ready to face this dilemma, we will face it. We can ask help and need silence to be in tune with God/Source of all that is. 

We humble ourselves to know that we are powerless over these challenges. Surrendering our problems and letting go of expectations, can be the ultimate action for our peace of mind, peaceful heart and life. What is not ours is not meant to be with us. If you find yourself in a crossroad, this only meant that there is light after fear. The things that we are afraid of are the things that will help us eliminate chaos. Difficulty to face the inevitable will rise and you will find yourself in a space of surrender. It is in letting go that we receive what we need. Detachment from what we attracted into our lives. To live in peace is to live in full silence without hooks or emotional attachments with others that are not resonating with our truth. Truth can only be true when one is at peace with who they are. Everything makes sense when we see the bigger picture of our creations. When we are detached, we feel free from results, we become an observer of all our creations. Purification is a step inward, taking time and reflections on what is in our life and what we need to let go. Ask yourself deep questions that can lead you to the answers within. God speaks in silence. Listen!

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