30 Oct Protection Protocol for Interference
During my spiritual healing practice, I recognized that communications with others who are hosting entities or lower vibrations can interfere or entangle you in their web. Unconsciously these people are not aware that they are imprinted with these negative or lower vibrations. Energetically they needed others light to feed upon so they can survive living in the shadows. They are unable to get out of their current toxic situations. They needed someone’s light to pull them out of their condition, unfortunately if the other person is not well equipped they would be sucked into the vortex of the shadows.
How can we stay powerful, centered and protected when we are facing these interferences? To maintain our wholesomeness in order not to drain, we need to train ourselves before we face others shadows. To understand that protecting ourselves is an important part of our practice whether you are a healer or not. We are always facing others and we need to be well rounded in these points to preserve our soul’s hologram.
Each one of us has its own soul’s growth towards our personal ascension. Protection is about creating relationships with the Masters of Light. When we know these Masters, we are able to create a strong force field around us by invoking them around our presence.
Steps in creating a strong force field of protection before healing others
- Prepare yourself before meeting or communicating with others. Telepathically you can sense when the other person is experiencing lower vibrations of consciousness through the energy waves. In order for you to be protected, call or invoke the Masters of Light before you proceed to co-creating a space with others. “Archangel Metatron please activate my Merkabah for protection and I ask my Beloved I AM Presence, my spiritual teams and guides, Ascended Masters, Archangels and angels, Goddesses, Benevolent Galactic Beings of Light my higher self and body deva spirit to surround and be with me. I ask to be protected by your Divine Light for my highest good, healing and potential. Please cover me with your mantle of love and protective Light to co-create a strong force of Light in my auric field, holographic matrix, crystalline and ethereal fields. Any energy that is not serving my highest good is filtered and will not enter my body, mind, heart, spirit and soul. I am a Divine Light, protected, guided and loved. Thank you, thank you and thank you. And so it is.”
- Do not take anything personal, others want validation. You are there as a sacred space to anchor the divine light. It is not your responsibility to save others. It is always their own choice. Freedom of will.
- Do not stay for a long time listening to negativity. Redirect others to questions, “what can you do and choose to make your life better? How can you help yourself, to move forward with this condition?” These questions can clear the victim consciousness and allow them to shift their perceptions to empowerment.
- Listening attentively will give you the clues on where they are in their consciousness. Your aim is to show them that there is another way of seeing things. To assist them in seeing other perspective that is lighter and easier than suffering. There is always a solution to every problem.
- Ground yourself while talking, be present in your body and after the communication. Walk in nature and send compassion and do not take others problems in your shoulders. Create boundary for yourself and others.
- Clear your energy fields with smudging, or having a shower, invoking and thanking the Masters for guiding you during the meeting.
- Scan your body, mind, emotions and spirit. Clear your chakra energy centers and ground to mother earth. Ask Archangel Sandalphon to open the earth portal and release energies that are not serving your highest good.
- Seal yourself with sacred geometrical symbols that you attained from energy healing tools such as Reiki, angels, Bio-energy or Seichem healing.
- Journal what lessons, insights or messages that you received while being with the other person.
- Be grateful for being called to be of assistance to help another sentient being towards the Light. Be loved.
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