01 Mar Prayer to release any sexual abuse
Prayer to release sexual abuse and clear our Sacral Chakra:
“I ask the gatekeepers, Lords of Karma and the Lords of the Akashic Records to open my Akashic Records. My name is __________________. Lords of the Akashic Records please open my book of Life. 3x
The Records are now open 3x
I forgive myself and others for any acts of sexual family karmic bondage, emotional and mental trauma, guilt, shame, pain, unconsensual acts, anger, revenge, unforgiveness, judgement, cords, hooks, drains, attachments, harassment, assault, coercion, abuse, slavery, trauma, bondage, injury, stress, violence, threats, force, violation, incestuous rape, child sexual abuse, addiction and other lower frequency vibrations that were imprinted in my sexual, sacral chakra and existence be clear, release and deleted from my Akashic Records from all timelines, dimension, space and realities.
Then list all the names of who you want to release. We call the Higher selves of these souls to be release from any sacred contracts or agreements with our Higher Self consciously and unconsciously.
“I ask that any of the imprints be clear now and never to be passed on from generations to follow. I ask Archangel Michael to cut any cords and attachments from these perpetrators. I ask St. Germain and the Violet Flame to transmute any energy that is not of Light. I ask the angels, Archangels and Ascended Masters to fill in the void with unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion and kindness for myself and all sentient beings. And so it is. Thank you, thank you and thank you gatekeepers, Lords of Karma and Lords of the Akashic Records for this healing, my highest good and highest potential. Please I now ask to close my Book of Life. Lords of the Akashic Records please close my Book of Life. The Akashic Records are now closed and sealed with the sacred form of Merkabah. Closing my crown chakra, grounding my Golden Light to the core of mother Gaia. My Akashic Records are now closed. And so it is.”
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