07 Aug My life review
During my ascension process, in the year 2010 I had experienced seeing my life review right in front of my eyes at Crescent beach in South Surrey. It was early morning around 0730, in our nursing home named New Vista. I started my shift as an LPN nurse, I was chosen to be the nurse at a field trip in Crescent beach. We are bringing 50 residents out for a beach day. I knew it would be stressful as I don’t know all the residents that are coming, and I was in charge of their medications. I said my good morning to my resident who was under palliative care. I had been taking care of him for about 19 days. He called me his angel when I entered his room. I told him that he is my angel and that he will take care of me when he leaves this world.
As the day passed by in our trip to the beach. I was able to contain my peace giving medications at lunch time in the cafeteria in the midst of chaos. I took some time and went closer to the beach. I was flagging my shawl with the wind blowing and the smell of the salty ocean water. I was in paradise. Suddenly the time stood still.. I was in shock to see my life videos playing right at the sky. I was frozen, thinking, “am I dying today?” I did not understand what was happening in front of me. It was very clear and the memories were playing like a movie film, they were events that happened in my lifetime in this current incarnation. I was feeling the emotions and memories that were encapsulated in each fractal of my life events. It was fascinating yet there was some fear at the back of my mind. These things only happened to people who are experiencing dying, “why this is happening to me?” It was the number one question of the day.
I remained silent and was not able to eat. I quietly kept the incident to myself. When we were back to the nursing home, I was shocked to see that my resident had passed away while I was gone. I went to the charting room and looked at his chart and found out that he passed away at the same time I was seeing my life review. Again I was in shock, I fell to the ground and was unconscious. It was surreal, I was out of my body and seeing the nurses around me, taking my blood pressure which was unstable, they called the ambulance and I heard their conversations. I saw a bright light. I felt my Mama’s presence and she was relaying to me that it is not my time and to go back into my body. As the ambulance took me on our way to the hospital, I recovered my consciousness. I was in emergency and was let go the same day.
All I know that can make sense and relate to this situation is about the connection and relationship that I created with my resident who transitioned. He gifted my soul to witness my life review. It was a sacred gift that he gave me and will never forget this experience with this angelic messenger. I feel so privileged to experience my own life review while I am still alive in this body. It was a precious reminder to be more conscious of every detail of my choices and know that there are effects to each one of them. To live more in my heart and conscience, to be true to myself and not to harm others in any ways.
I told my family what transpired and do not know what they thought about my experience. They are accustomed to my mystical or maybe “crazy things” that happened to me. The things that happened to me personally do not make sense to them. And it hurts me when they are suffering trying to make sense of my stories. It sounds crazy and so they think that the only solution for me is to take medications for psychoses. I cannot take these medications as they make me feel sick. I learned how to take care of myself. By being grounded. Nursing as my career makes me grounded. Because I am responsible and accountable for the elder’s health and life. I find that when I am working casually as a nurse it helped me relate to the world. It bridged my spiritual work as compassion and kindness are my virtues and core values in this life.
Have you thought about your life review? Do not wait to experience this before you transition in the spirit world but feel and see how your life is going. Every night is a great time and create a sacred ritual to examine your conscience on how you did that day. Did you harm anyone with your thoughts, words and actions? Did you ask for forgiveness? Are you happy with what you do? Do you share your love and positive light to others? Are you loving and kind to yourself and others? These questions can help redirect your life path closer to light and to let go of heaviness and darkness. Be in the light, ask your angels to guide and be there for you. They are powerful messengers, and they are here helping us in our daily challenges. Do not stay away or become a stranger. Call them and you will feel and experience their sweet presence. Be loved.
Posted at 06:12h, 07 AugustThank you for sharing this! Beautiful story & wisdom to encourage & inspire us all!
Teza Zialcita
Posted at 16:01h, 14 AugustYou are welcome beloved soul sister! Blessings