14 Aug My beloved Kuya Junior
I came from a huge family of 10, I was the youngest. Our eldest brother Manuel Zialcita Junior was a writer. When I was 15 years old and experienced the horrific forced abortion from my family, I wrote an open letter to express my deep feelings. Manuel told me to keep this and said I will be a writer someday. This letter was not kept but his words were deeply embedded within my heart and soul. As I became a mother of 4 children, I seldom write and was mostly consume by my parenting role as I became a single mother. My writer archetype emerged when I turned 50 yrs old and when my brother sadly passed away from cancer of the lungs. He was only 55 yrs old, I was with him on that cold Nov month. My sister and I were visiting him daily in the hospital. He had a deep and strong faith facing his death. He will not allow us to cry inside his room. He made us laughed and asked me to read the love letters of his children that were living back in the Philippines. He loved eating my Mama’s home cooked meals. We brought him his daily meals and he was very happy to have them. He had a scheduled flight to the Philippines before he passed away. It was unfortunate that he died, and his children were to receive his remains. When he passed away, he came to me three times in a row in my dreams. He asked me to write my book. I replied to him, “English is my second language.” Then he said, “writing is from the heart.” From then on, I challenged myself to write. He was my inspiration to become a writer. What a beautiful gift from my brother.
Truly we are eternal souls, as he approached me in my dreams and asked me to write my books. He gifted me with my legacy in this lifetime. I am a writer because of his intervention from the spiritual domain. I am acknowledging my brother’s gift and presence in my life. He is my angel, a messenger to guide me towards my divine purpose. Right now, I find my siblings who passed away are continually watching over me. They come as a surprise, like showing up in pictures that I have never seen before. Tonight, I received a picture of my brother and I ended up messaging with my nephew Manny his son, from London, England. We reminisced about my brother, and he nudged me to tell Manny that he needs to pursue his love for arts. Manny and I grew up together as we were only 6 yrs apart. My nephew was a wonderful artist when we were children. He also became a nurse like me. I told him to pursue his arts as nursing could be draining without balancing with your creativity.
The lesson that I learned from my brother is to follow your dream and do something with your sacred gifts. You have this within you! Surrender and trust that everything that you do will create some fruits in the future. When we follow what we love, we are in our element. You will automatically feel this fire within your heart. Igniting the fire is the strength of your creation. Creativity is a gift of the soul. To let go of any doubts or procrastination, to act and become diligent to yourself. Invest the time, energy and love towards yourself. Nobody can do this for you, only you can expand your horizon. Dream big, act and allow the gifts to unfold. Without analyzing how this would look like, let go of any expectations, follow your heart and free yourself from noises and sabotages from your inner critic. Your soul is expansive, you can be whatever your heart’s desires. Tap into the trajectory of your soul. Your map is within you. The heart is the ignition, run and reach for the stars. The sky is limitless waiting for your action. As you navigate your intention with your passion, you will find that your determination paves the way. You become a strong warrior of the light. Following your lighted path, with a strong faith and trust that the universe is always supporting you no matter what. What we need is to declare and reclaim our sovereignty. That we are born to rise and anchor our light to mother earth. With our high frequency, we can contribute to the web of light that our planet needs right now. Imagine yourself inside a sacred circle beaming light to our planet earth. All of us in our collective can visualize and do this before we sleep or find time to meditate and send light and love to our planet and beyond. This will assist us in our ascension, with all the dimensions, animal kingdom, plant kingdom and crystal mineral kingdom, we can co-create experiences of higher vibrations of our consciousness. Together we can light up our ways to assist the generations to come and the present timelines. If everyone of us is living within our heart’s passion we will create a beautiful peaceful world. It starts with you. Your heart and your light are the most precious gifts in our world. Listen to what your heart is saying. Be one with your heart. Spend time in silence by yourself. Activate your Hermit archetype! In this cocoon you will birth your freedom. We need silence to birth our true mission. You will align to your higher self and anchor the best version of yourself. Fly high with your angel wings! Always see the higher perspective of life. Never spend time that will sabotage yourself. Be loved.
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