10 Mar Message of peace from Hawaii
Channeling from the etheric retreat of the Elohim, Temple of Peace and Aloha
Dearly beloved beings of Light, we are here to help you feel your essence of love, beauty and being. Our embodiment of the goddess energy will bring you clarity on how you experience reality. It is the internal matrix that mirrors your manifestations. Look outside yourself and feel what is happening within. It is in the realm of the unknown that we will create the thread of manifestation.
It is upon you to totally surrender to trust in your divine gifts. When there is an opening or opportunity to create, take this with loving expansion and release any constricting thoughts. Resistance is futile. The flow of the universal energy is upon us when we are ready to receive. You will be challenged and when you trust, you will see the outcome of your manifestation.
Life is a series of choices. Choose to be wholesome. Let go of any vibrations of fear and resistance, align to your Higher Self. Ask the universe, what are the highest possibilities given to me? When creating a contract with another human being, create a grid of harmonious fields between you and the other person to serve the highest good of all.
Doubts, fear and negative energy vibrate in a lower spectrum of life. This interferes with your expansion. Focus on the Light within, this is your North Star. You are being guided and directed to where you are supposed to be. It is not in your control.
We are in the flow of the universal energy. You navigate through the stormy waters. Anchor in the electrical energy that you are receiving and ground this within the roots of your incarnated body all the way down to the crystalline iron core of mother earth.
Your body is the vehicle to create a full circle of your blueprint in the Akashic fields. The recorded imprints of all your timelines, is simultaneously manifesting a fractal of what is the current vibration around your present reality.
It is important to anchor and ground your soul fully into your body to integrate the highest possible vibration in the present moment. To fully understand this, you will balance the feminine and masculine divine energies within you.
You will be receiving guidance, intuition and higher consciousness insights to be a fully conscious soul experiencing being human. It is in integration that you will create a wholesome hologram of peace. Remembering your timeline in the Temple of Peace and Aloha. Imprinting your memory how it felt when you were at home in your soul. These codes will be reactivated within your cellular level of consciousness and memories.
We cannot tell you enough, how magnificent it is to be in this body suit. You represent the alchemy of the elementals. In unification of water, earth, fire, air and ether you create your biological formation. Everything is a hologram within the micro and sub particles of all filaments of your existence. To be in this unified field, we create a holographic universe. Trillions of lifetimes, your lives are interwoven in your creations. You are a magnificent creator, weaving in the infinite wisdom that you inherently host.
Here we are summoning you, to awaken with the goddess energy of the moon. This beaming light shines upon your emotional body. You have the feminine divine goddess that receives and nurtures your existence.
Intertwine with the masculine energy of action, we are here to assist you to integrate the unification of these divine energies.
Our system works in receiving and allowing the flow of these energies within you. Once you have mastered how to integrate these energies, you will recognize that you are a vessel of energy. Receiving and releasing energies that do not serve you anymore. They are dissipating right in your realities.
You are the master of your vessel, allowing only purified thoughts, words and actions to reside within. Strong discernment and boundaries are needed to be a clear vessel. Clarity with strong faith, not questioning what you are receiving but fully flowing with what is.
We are the prime co-creators with the divine. You are encoded with this memory. It is time to bring peace to mother earth and humanity. You have chosen to incarnate here in this timeline to assist this ascension. As you become a fully integrated soul hologram, you will create heaven on earth. You will experience back again the Temple of Peace and Aloha where you once resided. This is the activation of the Elohim Peace and Aloha.
The Temple of Peace is the temple of our mind, we have to anchor our mind to this sacred space. Because we get distracted as a vessel of our own inner peace, like a mother who wants to rescue her lost children.
In the midst of this, we lose our own inner peace when we allow distractions or drain of energies that is opening us to vulnerable situations. We are able to function in our highest divine calling when we have our discernment from the sixth ray of peace and aloha.
“May we serve as a pure conduit of our divine ray of violet and golden flame within us. To shine this flame of peace into mother earth, universe and all sentient beings. Aloha.”
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