03 Mar Master my emotions
Today as I walk along with my partner in life, I caught myself in a familiar space. I was creating thoughts that are emotionally charged and if I did not catch myself, I would end up reacting that will cause conflict. But instead, I gave myself time to be silent. To reflect and catch my own emotions. I gave space for my thoughts and emotions. I was aware of my patterns.
This is my default, when someone shares their negative emotions that do not make me feel good, I react with negativity. I feel that they are attacking me. I lose control of my internal peace of mind. I forgot that my external has no affect to my internal state of being. That means, I have the control or power to be in a state of peace if I choose it. That others state of mind is not mine and I can respect where they are. I do not need to react and take it personal or feel that they are attacking me. I can take it in a kinder way. I can reply with kindness and respect. Because the other person has no power to change my inner state. By not taking it personal whatever state others are in, I have the choice to be at peace. This is boundary and mastery of my emotions. That I only allow higher state of vibrations around me and that I have the power to choose how I feel around others.
Yesterday it happened to me in our crystal shop. There was a young lady around in her twenties and started talking about her victimhood. I felt sick right away, and I said, “please don’t talk about black magic here.” And she stopped and respected my choice. I felt sick in my stomach, my solar plexus was violated energetically. Then I recognized the need to speak up and choose to what I allow in my energy fields. I felt empowered and I told her to ground herself and speak of positive things in life. To be more grateful for all her blessings in life. This shifted the energy in our crystal shop. I realized I was working with boundaries.
Steps in mastering your emotions:
- Open your mind and heart to what is unfolding in your presence. Scan the thoughts in your mind, ask these questions and reflect. What are the vibrations that I am feeling right now? Where is this coming from? Am I in fear or love?
- You are fragile and vulnerable, it is important to take space when you are emotional, in pain or confuse. You do not understand why you are feeling this heaviness within you. The person in front of you is your mirror to heal. Free yourself of this pain. You do not need to suffer anymore. Let go of the victim story. Be present.
- Remember that you have the power to alchemize anything that brings you heaviness.
- You are energy. You can vibrate in the higher frequency by choosing to do so.
- Declare your sovereignty.
- Claim your birthright like the bright star in the sky. You are a magnificent star, you incarnate to experience joy, love and bliss. It is your thoughts and emotions that will co-create this energy fields.
- Be vibrant.
- Know your boundaries.
- Express yourself, speak your truth and be honest with yourself. Be free.
- If you cannot do it, don’t do it and release resistance. It will haunt you, free yourself from entanglements from any form of drama and victimhood. Say NO.
- Respect yourself and space. Do not allow others to contaminate your energy fields. Stop others from doing so. Words are powerful. They are alive and creators. Watch and be vigilant who you allow others to be around you. Be direct and powerful when addressing your boundaries.
- Feel your Solar Plexus, trust that you are always guided by the universe. You are always protected. No one can harm you, if you do not allow them.
- Be in alignment to what is true for you. Do not allow others to ruin your day.
- Be gentle and kind. Treat others with respect and kindness.
- Ask and you shall receive, open your mind to what is. Believe and surrender things that you have no control of.
- You are a co-creator in the universe, dream big and expansive. Things are here to help and support you in your passion. Be passionate, dedicated, and loyal to your dreams. Dreams do come true when you believe.
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