14 Oct Red Mantle of Sacred Fire
You are being called to be a voice of hidden wisdom. To rebel in this awakening of the divine feminine. You have been supressed in eons of lifetimes. Today we need you to be a voice of this truth. Your essence, your awareness is much needed now. It is time to rise up, be a light to others. Many are stucked in their own egoic mind and shadows. They are so clueless about their thoughts and actions that they needed to be validated even in their own wrong doing. They don’t see who they truly are. They are blind to what is being an eternal flame means.
You have come incarnated in this body form once again to feel being human. How does it feel to humiliated, judged and small? Is this what you deserve? Did you forget that you are born to be a bright star. You are born from the universal light. You are the light that luminously radiating in the darkness. You have the birth right to be this brightest light.
Before you can attune to this innate knowing, we will need to clear the path for you. To see clearly what is your true identiy. As you transcend this path of illumination, you will receive a lot of support and help from the souls that are here to be with you. In this huge awakening of your human consciousness, you will find isolation. It is this time that you fully give the time and energy for yourself. You have to take care of your ascension.
In order to surpass this 3D world, you have to vibrate in higher frequencies of the 5D. To tune into these higher vibrations, we have to help you gain clarity and self-acceptance that you are here to experience oneness. One with others in love, compassion, mercy and recognition of others journeys is unique. To learn to respect them in their own divine timing. You cannot judge others as you are not judged by the universe.
Once you have attuned to this activations of oneness, you will gain freedom from being small. You will vibrate higher and will only pay attention to what resonate in this frequencies of love and light. There is no separation, the illusions are the broken fragments that had been separated from the Source of all that is. You will experience abundance, harmony and the belonging to truly experience how to support others in their ascension. To be valued and validated for their existence. You are a powerful being of light. The Masters of Light are gathered around you. We are here to accelerate your ascension. The sound healing, frequencies of compassion for each other will be pronounced as you traverse this path of enlightenment.
We wake you up in your sleep, asking to receive our messages. As you take actions, you are being compensated by the force of light. The protection of the mighty powerful Archangels and dragons are upon you now. Your enlightened ancestors are here to guide you through the bloodlines. To help and assist those who have not been enlightened. To pass the torch of light and burn away any impurities that are still in their DNA/RNA genome.
As you heal your sacral chakra, you are healing layers of ancestral imprints. You will heal the unresolved issues of your family relationships. Your creativity will be activated and you will shine this light of creation to those that need the inspiration. You will be a star that continually guides and lights the path for those who are lost in the darkness.
I am so honored that you called upon me today, to continue this illumined path of being one with your sacred heart. This is the portal of your true healing that will give you the unconditional love for yourself and others. The sacred flame of Lord Jesus for the creations exist in infinitesimal vortex of omnipresence. This fire ignites the sanctity of the your sacred heart. Guard this portal as this is the gate to heaven. Do not allow any lower frequencies to reside in your heart chakra. You have the keys and codes to this door of love. Only allow the good and higher vibrations of love and light. Release and let go of any thoughts, interference that you receive from any entanglements. You do not deserve any of this, they are projections of others. These wounds that are not healed are not yours. You are heal, wholesome and free. This is your natural state of being. Be your highest version. This is you in the light of the Source of all that is.
Your woundedness in relationships stemmed from eons of lifetimes incarnations in the karmic wheel of life. It is time to step up. Releasing any stories of victimhood. You are not a victim, you are empowered divine feminine goddess. You are not here to be supressed. You are a bright light, time to shine and keep this eternal flame radiating into the galaxy.
The healing of your roots chakra, wear the cloak of the red flame of my sacred heart. This will empower you and magnetized strong vibrations of protection and discernment. You need to understand that you will have tests and challenges through this path of being a rainbow light warrior. This mantle of red flame is upon you as you walk into this path of being a warrior. You have won this battle many lifetimes. Once again it is time to be, don’t put your attention to separation. Your world is clearing and purifying these toxicity that needs to be release. Letting go of this unwanted emotions that drain you. Place my red mantle of strength upon your shoulders and be free. Feel the strong vibrations of protection, vigilance and courage to face any situations that is placed upon you. You have my love, I am with you in this darkness. You will feel my fire. You are my beloved child, be your luminous self. Sacred blessings!
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