24 Mar Make it simple

In this intense energies that we are experiencing, we need to find silence and create a sacred space for our souls.
We can be triggered easily with others drama and get confused with our own peace of mind. Are we allowing others to occupy a chaotic noise in our own head? Do you find that you want to separate from this person because you felt hurt or left out? These questions can navigate you back to what is your truth and how you can bring in the higher perspective of the situation.
Everything is a mirror, what matters is how do you react to your mirror? If you find yourself that your mirror brings you hurt deep within your heart then it is time to do an inner journey with your soul. As a spiritual teacher, I find myself in this journey with my own dilemma, I am an eternal student of my Soul. I get triggered with others lower vibrations. In order to find solace, I do not take others stuff as mine but sometimes with toxic egoic mind that we all have..it becomes a challenge.
What do I do in this times of confusion? I retreat back into my own sacred space. Conversations with my Higher Self. How can I transcend first my own emotions of feeling hurt into being wholesome? I look at the situation as it is talking to me? Wake up and see within what I needed to integrate. I believe the other person is me in my shadow side. When I find this space of understanding, I send love and light to the other person and incorporate what lesson I learned.
Take care of your selves guys and if you cannot maintain a peaceful mind..just be. Do not allow drama or confusion vibrate in your fields. You have the power to navigate these waves. Bring in your higher perspective when things does not seem right and you will feel the love that you have been looking for within and with the Source of all that is. I have been taking a retreat within me and finding a lot of gold nuggetts in this awakening. Thank you for being you. And start where you are, stay in your current state and honor that part of you.
I feel that in this changes in my life, I do not have time for everybody. My time is gold and if you are not meant to be in my life and so it is. We are meant to sojourns with our soul’s journey and tribe. This does not mean you have to wait for everyone to join you. It just means to flow with who you are with and let it be. Send love and light to those who have left your path and pave the way to your new state of consciousness. We are all God’s children and we can only work from this unified field. Be well and know that all you need is your own self approval and that you do not need others validation for who you are.
Thank all those souls that you have journeys with and welcome those who are now arriving into your door! Thank you so much for listening and may you be healthy, wise and at ease.
Blessings of peace,
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