28 Apr Living in a world of separation
Look around you, what do you see? Fear in social media, reports of people dying and how unsafe this virus is. This is the noise and pollution that is toxic in our soul. Peace is attained when there is stillness. We are living in a world full of illusions, opinions, dominations and separation. This is not a surprise for this to happen! Within the family structure, people don’t even talk to their own parents, brother or sister. It is like this lingering toxins in our blood system. How did we end up in this condition? How are we going to shift this separation into unity? If we can solve this dilemma from our immediate family then we can have a slight chance of being unified.
You don’t need to fight in a war. We are in a war, it is called broken family. We are experiencing infiltration of malevolent force and spiritual warfare. If “as above so below”, what is happening to us here on planet earth is also happening in the spiritual domain. How are we being bombarded by this dark force? Through the energy fields, virus attack and creating a stage play that we are in a huge pandemic so they can then implement and follow up with these rules to control humans.
The magnanimous amount of deaths is a metaphor for creating population control. The elites have this mapped out to hostage us. They created a plan to hypnotize the population that we have no choice but to be in a herd vaccination. Why do we want to be injected with toxins? Our fight is creating an organic holistic strong immunity. We are not in war with virus, we have virus. The war is in control, manipulation and dominance of these politicians that we put in a platform that is suppose to protect the people. But instead turned into a circle of circus to act like they know what they are doing. Closed down small businesses, produce money for pharmacy and create more havoc, suicide and mental illness due to fear of survival.
Our planet has more than enough supplies of natural resources to produce a healthy lifestyle where there is no poverty or illness. But we need a radical transformation to wake up. It is deeper than what we see. It is from the soul level of our existence. We were blinded by matter. The soul is the heart of humanity. Without this higher perspective, we are doomed. This apocalypse and revelation had been predicted by seers, prophets and mystics. Everything that were written in the Akashic Records are here. We are interactive with our collective consciousness. Every part of your existence is a part of the universe. What matters is how we can see this event as a wake up call? Do we take everything that we see without using our common sense? Do you trust what you see? Learn to use your gut feelings. Feel more, deeper and listen with all your being. What can you shift within you to co-create a unified you? Have you embraced all your shadows? Worked with them and change things that are not working. Have you opened your heart to truly forgive? Let go of the story of hurt. Take steps to humble yourself. Be free from being attach to your own egoic mind. We have manifested everything that is here. We are the magnet of our collective creations.
Stop buying what the world is offering you. Be empowered, stay centered and calm. As we watch the world structures collapse before our eyes. Examine your conscience, be true to yourself. Have you opened your heart to the person who is in front of you? Did you listen with no agenda? Do you feel grateful for all your blessings? Do you need to transform your life? We are living in uncertain times. There is no time. There is only now to see deep within that we have the power to be free from noise, harm and pollution of the mind. Meditate, in stillness creating a sacred space to commune with your higher self.
Today as I listen to my patient who is experiencing alienation from his loved ones. My heart was open, my mind was quiet and I am present to his voice. As I continue to be a container of his sorrows. His pain lessened, he felt heard and validated. I felt the rewards of this act of kindness. I felt I had contributed to someone’s soul. A service for others truly is a divine connection to the spirit. Together as we walk in this dark night of the soul, may we remember to pause and to be a light for those who are experiencing their heavy burden.
May we serve to be a hope, strength and light to remember that this too shall pass away. And when we pass this dimension, all these heaviness that we unconsciously carry in our lifetime was not worth carrying for. For what matters is that you have lived this life with compassion, kindness and gentleness first to yourself and then to others. To serve without thinking of anything in return. To give generously from the heart. To love and be loved no matter what the situation is. To feel that this humanity is a fractal of our huge vast experience as a soul. To know that we are here to experience love, being present and human. Let us love who we have, what we have and share these fruits of wisdom to those whose ears are listening. Blessings!
photo credit:https://unsplash.com/@hans_isaacson
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