24 Sep Life is not about suffering
As human beings we need to wake up from this old paradigm, that life is about suffering. We are not here to experience pain but to have an open mind, compassionate heart and be present with what is unfolding right before our eyes. If our perceptions are not coming from clear filters we continue to believe that we are separated from the Source of all creations.
We are magnificent co-creators of our life. We have to start with this perception that life is about experiencing love, abundance and with divine grace we are given this lifetime. Wake up from old contracts, vows and agreements that we had sign for. Become conscious of things that are not serving our highest good. When we are awakened, we do not vibrate from fear, judgement and limiting beliefs. We are being reborn, into the new Self. We are free to explore and experience the magnificence of our Light. This Light resides in our hearts, when we are open to receive this unconditional love for ourselves. We start living from this field of oneness.
We are Light beings a spark from the Source. As we accelerate our ascension process, we experience the shedding of layers from old conditioning and programming from our ancestors. The fear program does not work anymore. We are recalibrating into love frequencies, opening our heart’s portal to share this bright harmonious Light into the universe. Our multi-dimensional state of our being is fully embodied into this physical realities. We are centered, focused and great co-creators with the divine universal energy. We call back our fragmented spirits that were imprinted in the unconscious state of mind.
We create from harmonious state of mind, balanced and integrated. We are align to our highest vision and dreams to come true. We attract high vibrational beings of Light. We are one unified consciousness, collectively creating heaven on earth. This is the vision of our new Earth. We are called to experience this true joy, liberation and freedom when we attune to these high frequencies of love and Light.
It starts with your own self. Acknowledging your true essence, in awe of this creation and wonderment the “I become we.” I dissipated and the collective becomes our state of condition. Every thought, acts and words are rooted to the function of the highest good of all sentient beings. We are One.
The illusion that we are separated is done and we are waking up to our new collective state of being. Whatever we do to others is a part of our own self. Wake up and see how we are all interconnected, making a difference in each other lives. We expand our awareness and become fully conscious of all our creations. We base our actions in the purest of intentions. This is where we can start within, and our external realities resonate with how we are vibrating.
Suffering will dissipate when we focus on our own Light. We magnetized situations that vibrate higher. But we have to start with this filter, “I co-create my relationships with harmony and love. All my thoughts, words and actions are guided for all the highest good of all beings. I am love and powerful Light being. “
Reverse engineering works, do not follow how your mind thinks. Our default as human beings is coming from the old paradigm of fear and pain. It is time to shift this into love and power. Surround yourself with positive, awakened people to help you in your enlightenment. Each one of us has this innate gift. We are fractals of Light in this great holographic matrices.
When we totally surrender our sufferings, we let go and co-create a space of faith. This action corresponds with the universal energy. You flow in the zone. You attract positive collaborators in order to create the highest version of your Self. Take the path of least resistance, just being and not forcing anything but allowing things to unfold with love and acceptance. By putting our attention to things that work for us and not in our blockages. See blockages as doors to open and expand our horizon. These doors are not walls that are solid but imagine them as opening like a bridge to enter our new ways of seeing things. Having new perception without fear and when a blockage knocks in our door, we see them as opportunity. Our perceptions are the door for a life that is clear of suffering.
Be clear on what we want to create that is coming from purest intention. This will bring fruition and our manifestations will vibrate in higher frequencies of love and Light. We only suffer because of our preconceived beliefs and imprints from our unconscious collective. It is time to rise up, wake up and be fully present and conscious of all our creations. We are rebirthing this golden Light in our realities as we tap into our Akashic Records for our highest good and all sentient beings.
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