17 Apr Life and death
Life and Death
I am contemplating on what is life and death, what I found out is that there is no difference. Life is living as if it is the last day of my life and dying to my ego everyday as if it is the last day of my life. Life and death go hand in hand because we live in uncertain times. There is only this present moment that we are given. And most of us, live as if we are immortal. We waste a lot of time spent on what is not important. We get stuck in the places, relationships or even thoughts that are not healthy for us. We have a lot of judgements about our own self and others. We are never content with what we have. I want this and I want more. What will happen if you know that you have an expiration date? Today? What will your state of mind be? Will you face life and death? Are you able to free yourself of all illusions, separation from others, judgements or control?
We are not in control of anything, we like to think we are but there is only a fragment of a second when our breathe is taken away. Where does our breathe go? Does it dissipate in thin air? Or does it go back to the Source of all that is? Are we here to experience the grandeur creation? Or are you living in contraction, resistance, control and manipulation trying to fight life and death? These are questions that can direct you to understand that living is like dying. If we can shift our mindset that we are impermanent; then we have taken a huge step into our existence.
Intimacy in relationships are important aspects in our day to day living. Whatever kind of relating that you are doing, relate with deep compassion, kindness and gentleness to the soul of the person you are with. This person is a gift to your awakening. They bring gifts to your soul. I am facing a beloved friend who is challenged with Cancer. As I experience pain in seeing her suffer, I am in awe how positive her spirit is. Smiling always for us and making us laugh!
Let us practice relating with deep compassion. Check in within yourself if you still carrying any judgement about yourself and others. If there is a single thread of separation, let it sink in and ask yourself where is this coming from? We are unconscious that we are still carrying old imprints from our ancient bloodlines. This is unconscious condition passed on through generations. If we can be present with our own self, meditate and observe our own thoughts, behavior and condition; then we can release this mindset and start afresh.
The divine energy is within, this force of life is what binds us together. We are all one experiencing all that is. Someone’s suffering is our own suffering as we are one body, one mind and heart. When we can imagine this as our true intention in experiencing the world, we can rest assure that we are in the illumined path. It is not an easy way of seeing the world. Because we are conditioned to see others as separate from us. We can start with loving our own self unconditionally. When we can fully embody self-love, we can give others from this overflowing cup of love. There is always more for everyone, it is an abundant state of mind. Fear dissipates in the midst of challenges. We focus our attention to what makes our hearts beat passionately with courage to move forward and love for humanity.
How can I serve? This directs me to what I know is important. My life and soul is one unified being with all. If we can serve others with our creative expression of what makes us happy we are in direct motion to paradise. Do not waste any more moments of not living your truth. Accept where you are, follow your heart’s desires. Make your life a tapestry of love with all the souls that will come in contact with you. You are the bright star Light in the sky. You are important in this universe. An ambassador of life and death, you are co-writing your book of life as you live in this moment.
Write as if no one is looking. Co-create the best version of your story with the grand Creator, it is you with God or the universe however you call this Life Force. Be at peace with what is given, accept freely with open mind and open heart. Free yourself from any burden that is no longer serving your soul. See life for the highest good of all. Give generously from the heart. Let go of judgements, they are heavy in the heart. Be free from any thoughts that is misalign from your beautiful Self. You are life, you are death. There is no separation. We are born to die, to die to one self is to live eternally in the present moment. Anchor your Higher Self into your body. LOVE and EVOLVE.
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