11 Jun Letting go of control
What is control? It is a form of defense mechanism, behavior that ourselves hold back in order to feel safe within. The root of control is fear that we received in our foundational years. When we experienced trauma in our family dynamics, we closed our hearts and allow the ego to dominate our safety. This is a form of protection that we needed in order to survive the emotional trauma that we gained.
Our emotional body is very sensitive, it feels every stimulus that we receive. Unconsciously we develop defense mechanisms that can control the feeling of powerlessness and be in that space of “I am in control of this situation.”
In our history of emotional abuse, we can see our patterns. We will find that we attract the same roots of our fear. For example, if you grow up with an addicted father, somehow you attract someone that has this addiction pattern. Why is that? Because this is your comfort zone, you are healing the wounds of this emotional trauma. Your heart magnetized the same condition in order to reveal to you what is needed to heal and let go.
We will experienced the same patterns all over again, if we did not heal this wound. The observer, which is our conscious self will witnessed, why do we want to surround ourselves with the same addiction patterns? What are we learning from this situation? If we judged the other person then the lesson is not learned because it is only through opening our hearts with compassion that we are able to align, what is the missing link within our patterns?
Unconsciously deep within us, we develop a protective field that can help us feel loved. We closed our hearts in order to feel safe. This is the illusory component that we are not seeing. It is because the ego wants to pretend that by holding control, we are safe. In order to feel safe, we attract the same pattern that can trigger us and bring forth fear in our face. What is fear? This is an illusory device that we develop in order to survive. We are in fear when we do not feel safe. Then the ego becomes the controller of our life. It manipulates how we think. It creates ways of not being able to see clearly, why we are not intimate with our selves.
Mirroring to us, what is holding us back to open our hearts. The other person gives us a biofeedback, what we needed to see. Our filter of perception is the projector of our physical realities. This is the code to find out what it is that we are holding back. In order for us to find inner peace within, let us face the patterns and open our hearts to forgiveness and understanding.
We create expansion for our existence when we know the imprints of our patterns. This can navigate us back to the roots of our wounds. We can only see with clarity when we open our hearts. In order to feel open, we have to see what are our “barnicles” in life? What are barnicles? These are the metaphors for protection, our defense mechanisms so that we cannot be harmed. Barnicles are crustaceans that attached themselves with rocks.
While walking in the beach today, I experienced these messages that are coming from barnicles. They started giving me this message, “like our lives we will face challenges and hardships. We can face this by being patient, in the present moment and know that these challenges are passing by. In order to reach our destination, we have to gain courage to face these challenges. The way to see beyond this is to walk with caution. See that every step that you take are important for your expedition in life.
There is also another way of dealing with challenges, we can focus on our long term goal of success but losing sight of what is in front of us. We become in control of our situation that is the illusory control mechanism of the ego. We closed our hearts to what is present and move forward to what is not here. It is in this present moment that we need to see what is blocking us.
This is the path of true enlightenment. When we see beyond the barnicles and be open to what are the possibilities that can open our hearts to what is true. Our true essence is love, it is here that we can grow and be present. Let us let go of control, flow with what is in your plate. Letting go of control is a form of surrendering to the universe what you cannot change. It starts with this seed of surrender that a new growth appears. This plant will grow and follow the sun. The sun that nourishes our souls. We are the children of the sun, feel it and be grateful for this nurturance. We are blessed to be here with mother earth. Open your heart to what is.
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