09 Mar Judge Archetype, beyond the mind..
Our illusions are embedded within our mind. You find yourself inside your head and thinking thoughts that are judgemental. Catch yourself and drop down into your heart. You will find that there is a space that you can go and feel better about yourself. The voices that are lingering inside your head, they are like parasites that had been existing without your conscious thoughts that they are here. It was an imprint from our unconscious collective. There is no boundary or space within our consciousness, we carry forward what had been imprinted in our blueprints or DNA. This why it is important to be aware of our thoughts, so we can be a witness of our own false voices in the head.
As you shift into becoming an observer, you will feel more in alignment within the heart space. Your thoughts suddenly dissipate and does not get hooked into your emotional and energy fields. Your knowing becomes more sharp and you will be an observer of this entity. This voice in the head can be an inner critic, the judge or insecure small self or ego.
The light side of the Judge archetype is that they have wisdom and discernment with situations that need clarity and power to find solutions. The Judge helps us navigate to what is going to serve us our highest good. We find clear directions to what we want to create. If we are aware of the Judge within us, we can find lightness and it is a great antidote to help us release judgements within our own selves. We self-realized that the state of being unconditional will help us in our acceptance to what is. Being in the present moment to love fully with our hearts open.
The shadow side of the Judge archetype can bring us guilt in our emotional body. We can become hard in our own self. The Judge will bring you harsh thoughts and criticisms that can stop or procrastinate your actions towards a new frontier. You tend to be more passive when you listen to this voice. It creates separation from others, we become hard, restrictive and contracted.
The journey with the Judge archetype is knowing to accept others and our selves unconditionally with open mind and open hearts. To live in the heart space and to let go of our illusory mind. The way to create a peaceful state of mind is to totally surrender to what is present. To know that our mind can trick us and not to believe all the thoughts that passes by. We, like our own thoughts are transient. We are passing by this incarnation and let us create a light hearted path of the spiritual journey that are we are partaking. Be still and know that everything passes away. All is well.
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