02 Feb Introduction to Galactic Blueprints
After I published the Collective Awakening, I was asked by these Masters of Light to check my writings from the past. I was in shocked to find out that I had written this manuscript called Star Lotus on 2014 which was not published that had 143 pages and channeled messages from this current timeline. These messages are actually stemming from this manuscript fr 2014, that I received from these Benevolent Beings of Light. These are channeled messages from the Ascended Masters, goddesses, enlightened ancestors, angels and Archangels, deities from Hinduism and Buddhism religions that I studied. These Masters of Light that I had been invoking since 2008 when I studied the Akashic Records.
It is like writing the future trajectory of these messages from the past. How cool is this? Parallel, alternate realities and multi-dimensional universe simultaneously receiving downloads of information from these Galactic beings without being fully conscious of what I was co-creating with them.
I also realized that I needed to purify all the imprints and illusions that were attached to my consciousness and existence. Clearing all energies that are not serving my highest good from my planetary karmic body. Releasing control from the religion that I practice which in this case was Catholicism. Letting go of the old ways that I think and feel. Allowing this mastery to take place, to claim the sovereignty of my soul.
I self-realized that it makes sense, as our consciousness evolve and tap into many layers of our consciousness that we are able to tune into these multi layers of frequencies of light and vibrations. I asked how can I as a conscious co-creator can help usher this golden era? We are in the Kali Yuga, darkness is here in our presence. We have come into a threshold that will shift our consciousness into this tipping point of transition. Individually, you can be a magnet of this light. But each one of us have to do the work. We cannot watch this darkness consume our generations to come.
144,000 volunteers to help us in our shift. This sacred number activates the culmination and end of our karmic cycle here in the lower vibrations of our unconscious state of mind. 144 is 9 the number of our wisdom, integrity and completion of our karmic cycle. A full circle and enlightenment of our human genome. We are so blessed to see this right in our eyes when we are awake.
My revelation of my mysticism is a cathartic for me to reach this state of super consciousness. We all have the capacity to reach this state of mind when we purify our systems. Meditate and receive downloads of information from these Benevolent beings of Light. There is nothing hidden in the eyes of Horus, visualize the eye of Horus in your Third eye chakra. It will lift the veil of separation from your slumber sleep. We are always supported by these Masters of Light. To be the light of our next generations to come healing our consciousness from our ignorance.
In Dec 7, 2019 I had a surreal vision of the Oracle of Delphi. I was standing in the temple in a huge circular platform. It was dark and the smell of death was in the air. As I stood in the stage, I was wearing a white robe holding a crystal skull in my hand. I saw death of the animal kingdom. This death of the animals were actually happening in Australia at that current timeline. It was heavy and I found myself being held by these beings and suddenly they were putting a crown that was made of steel in my head. You can see this headdress in the saint statues inside the Catholic churches. It was painful and excruciating. My robe turned into this red majestic velvety material that was like a cape from the renaissance period. I was standing with a lantern in my left hand. A liquid golden light was flowing, melting and turning into a sacred geometrical form of the symbol of the Free Masons.
Across me, far, far away, I felt the Beloved was reaching out and communicating with me telepathically, “I am returning beloved!” This woke me up from this vision that I was experiencing in the midst of a sound healing meditation lead by these great healers from a metaphysical store called Utopia in North Vancouver.
I was back into my body and I felt this sense of peace. I returned to a memory that felt like a puzzle that was missing from my incarnation. While I was in the group, the healer showed her pilgrimage pictures from Mary Magdalene and the caves in France where she visited. I was shocked to see that Magdalene was depicted with a skull in her hand in one of the images.
I went home and did my research, I stumbled with the work of Megan Waterson about Revealed it was a red book that she wrote. I realized we have something in common, she was sexually abused. I also found out about Black Madonna, it was a miraculous statue of Mary that was burnt 17 times during the world war 2. People continued painting her and she kept turning black. According to their traditions, the Black Madonna is the one that people pray to, who are experiencing the dark night of the soul.
I slept few hours and ran to Banyen bookstore and found the red book and the statue of Black Madonna. I then started writing more chapters about my Sacred Sexuality book. I was able to write the chapter “Sleeping with the devil”. This chapter is about seeing the devil beside me, three times in this lifetime with wide open eyes not in a dream or astral. These dark phenomenon are hard to write because words have vibrations. When I write about this type of things, my body goes into detoxification. There were times that I had diarrhea and vomiting at the same time. But this time it was miraculous, the words float like the running waters in the river of my consciousness. I placed the Black Madonna beside my bed, I felt at peace and protected.
I started channeling the Atlantis Archangels and received the sacred geometrical attunements from these Masters of Light. I flew to Tucson, Arizona for the International Gem Trade on Feb 7, 2020 while Covid 19 had started its stronger presence in the air but not strong enough that Americans were still allowing flights in their country.
I was with my niece Marivel and we were in love with the crystals kingdom. We flew and and enjoyed our crystals. In the midst of our 3 nights stay, we were visited by a friend. As we were listening to her victim life story, we both recognized that this is a message for us. We wrote down these things: Don’t lose your mind. Be grounded and work. Don’t allow fear in any shape or form to enter your energy fields. We were warned. During that time, the book The Overself Awakening by Dr. J. J. Hurtak was with me and started reading it.
On March 7, 2020 I was invited to share this paradise in Wainae, Hawaii a couple of hours drive from the city Oahu. My dear friend Debbie Magson, blessed my life to revisit the ancient timelines of Lemuria. I was sick when I arrived in Hawaii with colds, I tried hard to isolate myself from her because I didn’t want Debbie to get sick. I started walking bare feet for 17 days and increased my immunity and micro biome.
Every morning we will open our Starseeds oracle cards by Rebecca Campbell. Then we go on our day, I started writing and found out that I had 55 chapters of writing about fear, illusions, relationships and addictions. I started receiving channelings from the Elohims and Lemurian ancestors. I wrote another 8 chapters and was able to fly back to Vancouver before the lockdown in the airport. My daughter was worried about me and booked me a flight back home.
When I arrived back to Vancouver, I was isolated for 14 days. During those times I focused on writing the Collective Awakening as the world was locked down with Covid 19. I went back full time to nursing for 4 months, in the midst of the pandemic. I was stressed feeling the entrapment, isolation and sadness of the suffering patients and staffs.
I walked in nature with my 2Ps (two peas in a pod) Carla Gladman and together we managed to edit the book and contacted tita Alma Bella Maglaya to be the final editor and she was able to finished the book Collective Awakening by summer of 2020. It was in the midst of summer, I was in love with love. I found someone that was a beautiful soul. But there was something missing within me, I realized I had to be true to myself. I was able to let go and focused back to my work and finally published this miraculous book Collective Awakening in Amazon on Dec 10, 2020.
But there were lots of hindrances, but finally launched on Jan 16, 2021 in Amazon and it hit the bestselling category in mysticism. I was exulted knowing that the light is shining to the collective consciousness. I was clueless that these Galactic beings were putting me back to work right at the get go when Jan 2021 came, I created a group to share the channelings and personal experiences that I had in living 57 yrs as human. I realized I became a galactic human. It is not easy to perceive. I told my children and my son was joking, “you became Super Saiyan in Dragon Ball Z!” I was being intrigued more.
We are holographic, we have been given the signs and cues through the social media, movies, numbers that keep repeating like 1 1 1. This is the acceleration of our consciousness in order to be able to see the hidden agenda of AI Alien Inteligence. When our frequencies are high enough to create a coherent frequencies, we co-create this unified field. We are able to see and live in sovereignty with our freedom. We become a spiritual light for others to see their true essence. We are receiving upgrades and regenerating our 12 strands DNA that were hijacked eons of lifetimes from the dark forces that feed on our energy.
I have read a lot of books that helped me awaken to the truth of this 3D realities. David Icke is one of the front liner in opening my consciousness to agendas that I did not see. The conspiracy theory have a lot of stories that can open your mind and recalibrate you back into your power. We are creating our own dimension and reality through our perceptions. How can we filter our perceptions in the midst of interferences? We have to do the work, investigate, research, have an open mind to what is unfolding to you. The universe brings you information, you magnetized all of this. The people that come to you is like a portal of information through their DNA and experiences. When I open the Akashic Records of the individual, I feel like I am tapping into the universal bank of information that this person had traversed in their galactic journeys.
I am sharing this introduction to this work as I felt compelled to reveal my mysticism in these dark times that we are experiencing. To help those mystics that are also experiencing out of this world phenomena. Nothing can shake me anymore, I heard a lot of horror stories and what infuriated me most are the stories of children being sodomized, raped and prostituted. How can we as humans surpass this hell that we continue to imprint in our DNA?
I became a rebel for Light. I felt that I am a hypocrite, if I kept my mouth shut and not share the dark experiences that I had. How can I help dispel this illusion, manipulation, control, negativity, suppression, mental illness and lower vibrations of suicide that is rampant in our generations? How can I contribute to this awakening without telling my truth? We all came here to experience life and I am inviting you, if you are living the most authentic version of your experiences? Do you hide these monsters and skeletons in your closet? So no one can see your tainted soul, or are you hiding because of shame, guilt, un- forgiveness or pride? I feel that anyone who can wake up from reading these words, will benefit the divine mission that I came to bring.
My personal life is full of the dark infiltrations and yet I thrive in the powerful force of Light within me. I am here to open your mind and heart. I am here to be a voice of the soul trapped in the dark imprints of our collective unconscious. I was able to free my soul and liberate others by telling my stories. I don’t need you to believe my stories. I don’t need anyone’s permission for me to speak my truth. I can only speak to those who are ready to listen, to act and shift their consciousness and be brave enough to make a difference in this world. We are rainbow warriors of light. You can express any which way you choose, your singing voice, your arts, your words, your presence. You are the Messenger of Light.
I had been trespassed, dismissed, supressed, abused, attacked, disrespected, gossiped, bankrupt, homeless, raped, in despair, in the darkness of this abyss I found this power of God/Source/Divine Creator.
This healing Light is innate, all knowing cannot be diminished, relentless, courageous, magnificent force of the Source, universal, galactic and multi-dimensional. It is the spirit of the warrior. I had this archetype in me, you also have this warrior’s spirit. Let us awaken this within and together we can eradicate this ignorance and become a pure Light that will shine, shine, shine like the stars in the galaxies. Here is my galactic blueprint story, find yours.
photocredit: https://unsplash.com/@alex_andrews
Posted at 19:20h, 03 February❤️❤️❤️