21 Aug Illumination of our Mind
We are struggling in our mundane lives because we are attached to our addictions. Our behaviors that do not serve us like our own craving for sensual gratifications, relationships or consuming things. We are broken hearted because we are not focus on our illuminated path. This path is our true soul’s desires that had been implanted since the beginning of time. We have this immaculate love for the divine. We got lost and now we are being called back. We are having moments of unquenchable thirst to be reunited to our Source of love. This divine love is sacred, at one with all sentient beings and nature. We become fulfilled and content with what we have, we feel this deep calling. We open our mind and hearts to commune with love and light.
This path is not for those who are weak, it is a courageous act to follow your heart. It is a deep calling to the unknown charter of our divine life. Connecting to the Masters of Light is powerful, they do not leave you as you are. They transmute your ignorance into the most pure state of your being. You become one with all that is. Your pure desire becomes the illuminating path for others to see. You radiate this love and allow this golden Light to embody your existence. Your creations become at one in service to the divine love. Divinity and humanity becomes one. There is no separation, only oneness.
The illuminated mind is the mind of the divine Creator and creation. This is a sacred dance and you are called into a higher consciousness that holds only love. There is no space for fear, only to surrender to this orchestration of appointments. These are divine appointments with our sacred contracts. These are people that will come our way to help us pave the way to illumination. They are messengers sent by God to us. They mirror and help us remember who we truly are, pure essence of love and light.
Our mind is a trickster, we are being led to a different path and confused us with our true calling. Listening and being in stillness help us discern the true path. Meditation and being at one with the divine love can accelerate our highest path. Filling in the void with light and divine grace. The illusions of being a victim has completed its shadow, we are empowered light beings. We cannot act like others had done things to us. We take the responsibility of our actions. We are powerful warriors of the light. We are here to anchor this peaceful state of mind. We are strong powerful magnificent warriors of light. Let go of distractions and be focus on your divine calling.
Being alone with our God, we open our hearts to what is. Totally surrendering and more, we go beyond this mundane life. We are created to serve this divine path. We forget why we are here. We get stuck with being human and blocked our own selves from being in the right path. The desires of the flesh, we are stronger than this. Let go and allow the illumination of divine intervention to penetrate your essence.
The perfect state of our essence is love. Love with the divine and serve with this perfection of the illumined path. This is the universal love and light when you are attuned to this calling. Let us remember who we truly are. We are sparks of the divine light. Let us wake up from this ignorance. Let us relinquish the needs of our attachments. There is nothing that can fill the void in our hearts but the divine grace. This is our path to help anchor this golden light into our existence. To share, inspire and light other people’s path. Together we can light each others lives.
We become one strong force that energizes our being. We gather in honor of the sacred. We ignite the fire of the feminine goddess. We are one, magnanimous beloved of God. We dispel the darkness of ignorance and emit the the light of truth. This truth illuminate our mind. We activate the dormant RNA into our systems, recalibrating our masculine and feminine attune as one. We do not discriminate but there is equanimity between us all. Peace to all beings of light. We find stillness in our daily lives. We send love and healing light to those who are in need. We become ambassadors of light. Empowered warriors of light, we become one in our calling. We share this pure love to our tribe and be at one with our sacred thoughts, words, intentions and deeds.
Our Akashic Records are rewriting this new golden era of pure contemplation of our being. We are receiving sacred gifts and grace in our lifetime. We are one unified consciousness in honor to serve our humanity. Our intention is to be wholesome and proclaim divinity in all our creations. To be at one, to feel home and belong to others that resonate with this divine calling. Let us make a difference, let us move mountains to co-create this pure golden lighted era. It is here, it is palpable, we are ready to receive the illumination of our mind. We are magnificent beings, co-creating God’s love in each other hearts. We are driven by this sanctified love. We love, we breathe love and we are loved.
Wahe Guru!
Posted at 04:06h, 22 AugustI enjoyed reading this inspiring essay. Your doing great thank you for your input.
Teza Zialcita
Posted at 20:20h, 16 MarchHello Mike, you are so welcome and thank you for your beautiful words. Blessings! xo