24 Feb I run to the ocean
Today I was called by my spiritual guides to run to the ocean, Crescent beach. This is my sacred portal. To commune with nature, the ocean, forest and God. I feel at home alone in this space. I clear my illusions and planetary body filled with karmic imprints from the past and ancestral bloodline. Here I recharged in the temple of light, I imagine a world full of hope, love and peace. This illumination is upon us when we totally surrender our lives to the divine. When we self-recognized that we are powerless over this life. We are a vehicle of this golden light that is within us. A spark of God’s Light.
Whatever is bothering you today it can be other people, situations or any lower emotional patterns that you get yourself entangled with others, remember that these are not permanent. They are not true in the higher perspective of life. See them as transient passing by like the clouds in the sky. Our central Sun will clear all these seemingly problems, they are all energies vibrating in the lower spectrum of life. To shift these energies, you need to understand the theory of Quantum mechanics. You are energy, witnessing the shadows of life. You are also the creator and alchemist of your dominion. If you are tapping into the shadows, bring in the light with the Ascended Masters and the spiritual guides that you work with. That is why it is important to have relationships with them just like your friends. They will support you in this huge transition of our humanity.
Our humanity is receiving a huge help from the benevolent beings of Light that are now here co-creating with us this Golden Era. We are the light workers that have volunteered to anchor this divine light into our mother earth. It is a huge awakening. See the pandemic as shadows clearing all the unconscious fear of our species. We are being given the time and space to reflect within, see within what patterns or dysfunctions that you have recycling in your incarnations.
Many of us 144,000 future Ascended Masters are aware of this transition and if you are reading this, you might be one of us. Consider this as a sign for you to accept your mastery. This is a calling given to many but few have chosen to act. Your responsibilities are huge, others are coming to you for help. Take only what you can and know that the Masters of Light are here to help them. Remain detached to the situation, be focus on your divine mission. Do not take guilt or responsibility for others ascension. Even your own family members will have to take care of their own freedom and liberation from the masses.
Free yourself from any attachments. Be a servant for the divine, great Masters are servants. You are here to experience love, receive knowledge and share them to those who are willing to listen. Be wise regarding your time, energy and have a strong discernment to whom you share your life. It is wise to stay in silence. Be with nature. Bless this planet to accelerate the higher frequencies of vibrations its inhabitants and humans. To further climb this ladder of crystalline fields that will recalibrate your auric fields. To fill your body, mind, heart and spirit with so much love and healing Light that is coming from the Cosmic heart of the divine. The Source of all that is.
You are sacred, divine and chosen. Do not discount all the small things that you do to help others. They are gifts to your home, there are mansions in heaven waiting for you. You are beloved. You are my child. Today as you run to the ocean of my love. Prepare to meet me, in the waves of the ocean, the shells and rocks that you collect and in every steps that you take I am carrying you. All your burden, griefs and sorrows. You are always with me. Never separated, alone with God. You are like a rose in my sacred heart. Pure and bright. Be free my child. Run wild and soak it all in. The sunshine in your hair and skin, soothes every particle of your being. You are so beautiful to me. You are my twin flame. The love that heals the world. The love that penetrates all your cellular level of consciousness and memories. I am here. Feel this vibrations of love. We are one together. Lighting up the darkness that is cast upon this planet. There is only love my beloved. Om
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