01 Feb How to navigate in this 5d shift?
We are receiving tons of upgrades in our Light body. As we evolve and continue to ascend in our 5d body, there a lot of shifts within us. If you are new to this awakening process, you will experience a lot of changes and transformations physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
You will need to find a spiritual mentor and surround yourself with like- minded people that are going through similar conditions. It is confusing to conceive at first, all the changes in your life and to what is going on in your energy system.
The old timelines are collapsing and karmic bonds are being clear to the purest form. You will notice that the last bit of your attachments will show up in your realities. You are being prepare to reach a state of enlightenment and mastery of your Soul.
This is to see how you have progressed in your soul level. Any imprints, hooks, drains, curses, attachments, bondage, addictions, egoic or separation thoughts, victim consciousness and many other lower vibrations will show up to purify your Self.
You have agreed upon your blueprints to be a light worker. You cannot have any form of densities like lower vibrations of your emotional codes or mental thoughts. Every cellular level of your crystalline fields will be recalibrated towards your highest good and all sentient beings. Only Light frequencies can reside in your Soul’s hologram. Your soul fragments will be anchored back to your power.
You will align your energy centers and you are being activated by the Masters of Light especially when you are asleep. Your super-conscious is being attune to new templates and crystalline grids of your consciousness and memories. All past timelines of victim consciousness will no longer serve you. You will be empowered and become a master of your vibrations and Soul.
There is a massive collective awakening, it seems that this world is worst and dark but see beyond these illusions. This is an effect of what these old timeline grids had created in your consciousness. All manipulations, secrecy and control will be in your front line. It has to rise up in order to clear the depth of all the egoic structures and unconscious creations of humanity. Do not pay attention to this but focus on your Light. It is a blessing in disguise.
How to cope and navigate in this turbulent times?
- Meditate, it helps you clear your egoic mind and become an observer of your thoughts.
- Nature grounding and connecting to the elementals. Anchor your energy system to mother earth’s magnetic field. To keep you here in this beautiful planet.
- Surrounding yourself with high vibrational people that can support you in your transition.
- Focus on your progress and be attune to the higher frequencies of Light. Do not be distracted with social media that has fear base agenda.
- Clear and smudge your space, create a sacred space with the spiritual guides that you have and Ascended Masters of Light.
- Invocation of these Masters is a must to create a safe and sacred space wherever you are.
- Learn spiritual tools like energy medicine to help you balance, heal and release any toxins that are not serving you.
- Purification, like fasting, eating veges and fruits, staying away from loud noise and toxic work and take a retreat in nature.
- You have divine gifts that are meant to be shared in the universe. Act on it with integrity and you will fulfill your Soul’s purpose.
- Everyone is going through something, practice compassion, be kind and gentle to yourself and all sentient beings.
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