17 Jan Holographic matrix
Today as I listened to my fave Dolores Cannon talks about the “Convoluted Universe,” her series of books regarding her experiences with clients using Quantum Hypnosis.. I was mesmerized. My mind started bringing fractals of my imagination that is like seeing inside this kaleidoscope, and how I can put things together from my experiences. Trying to make sense out of this concept and how I can ground the multi layers of our universal consciousness.
As an Akashic Records consultant, it widens my view of myself and the people around me. I became more aware of my multi-sensory ways of receiving information and downloads from the Masters of Light. I feel like a thread of Light interweaving all these fractals of light or souls that are coming into my energy fields. How can I ground myself and write about this plethora of knowledge, wisdom and information into my books? My intention in co-creating this teaching of the collective consciousness of our universal Akashic Records is to help an individual anchor their experiences as a human being as well as an embodiment of the galaxy.
For you as a reader of my works, you will have to resonate in this higher frequencies of information from the universal data bank of our universes. I call them universes as I know we are capable of discovering more universes in the future timelines. We are infinite beings creators of our holographic matrix.
Your worldly experience is but an aspect of one of your existence living in this dimension. You are living simultaneously in parallel universes, timelines and dimensions. Our goal to shift our victim consciousness into an empowered state of being is by receiving initiations from these galactic beings. You have signed for this is your soul level. You are now remembering what you are here for and who you are.
These primal questions of your existence had been imprinted for eons of lifetimes that you traverse in this world of experiments. With these questions, you begun your search. Read many books to increase your knowledge and skills. From past lives regression, astrology, numerology, Tarot readings, theta healing, acupuncture, sound bath, energy healing and many more modalities to help yourself develop a wholesome self. With all of these ways, if you are not aware of your Akashic Records you will keep repeating the same patterns of downfall, addictions and egoic mind structures. Because your consciousness is like a recording machine. Your unconscious, conscious and subconscious has a living memory bank like a computer that holds the energetic imprints of all that is.
In order to focus your attention in your soul’s mastery or discovery, you need to open your portal to receive these informations from your Akashic Records Keepers. Once you receive this initiation, you are now given the keys and codes to assist you in co-creating a life that is filled with awe, wonder, creativity and synchronicity with your divine blueprint.
It is like a dance with God/Source/ Universe however you call this. Some of you have lives, many lifetimes here in planet earth and some have not lived here. These are agreements of your Light bodies to assist in the calling to help regenerate, recharge and remember the timelines of the paradise template from your ancient timelines in Lemuria and Atlantis. We can call this as Collective Rising.
It is time to rise up, speak your truth and shine your authentic self without shame and guilt from all the unconscious behaviour and patterns that you were once operating from. The shadows are here to help you redirect back to light. Living in this polarity can be an analogy of a Trickster archetype. It is here to create chaos, but through this confusion you are able to have a strong boundary, gain discernment and focus on your life’s mission. This is also the planet Saturn that helps us ground our highest ambition, desires in this lifetime. As we traverse in this Aquarian age, we will be in the quantum soup of changes. This will minimize your ways of giving away your energies to people that do not value you. It helps you refine tune your frequencies, to tap into your highest potential and destiny in this incarnation.
As you know your life does not end here, when you die, you will enter into the spirit domain. You will remain active, become a guardian if that is what you signed for or reincarnate again as you have not fully evolve or understand the lessons that you came here for. We keep repeating this wheel of Karma, meeting the same soul in a different situation or form. We are magnificent co-creators of our experiences.
An era is ending, something new is being reborn. Like an infant, we are new to this template. In order to feel at home with our higher self, we need time to purify our planetary body. These higher frequencies of light cannot enter fully in your body suit if you are not doing the work for your ascension process. Purification and detoxification of what you ingest, people around you, environment and negative egoic thoughts are necessary to do. This takes a lot of responsibility and accountability. Do not waste your time trying to help others ascend, when they are feeling entitled. Your job is to receive the download, assimilate, observe and change your ways of living.
If you are walking and talking without really doing the change, then you are wasting your time. Being true to yourself, looking at your ways to improve and taking baby steps will be worth in your future timelines. Close the doors to others that are distracting your divine purpose. This is your life’s legacy. You are given this door of opportunity to evolve, love and be light. Follow your innate calling, without doubt, hesitation and procrastination. These lowers your vibrations and is not helping your soul’s journeys. Release the energies that contribute to the blockages in your life. Releasing with effortless, grace and ease to the Source of light. As you embark in this new template of paradise. Awakening from a long slumber sleep, go with the flow of this great reformation of the land. Galactic tidal waves are supporting us to be in our highest potential, raising our frequencies and rebirthing our mother earth. All chaos will have solutions into a new ways of seeing your own existence and others. You will vibrate in the universal law of ONE. One New Earth. All is One.
The one holographic matrix co-creating our 7.9 billions of consciousness into this thread of divine matrix as one. Reformatting into harmonious, unified collective consciousness like a symphony of notes to sing the angelic choire in the midst of our collective rising. Raising our hands to the divine master that lives within us. This magnetic force help us ground and feel at home in our physical body, knowing that divine grace is upon us. To initiate change, is from within. To feel at home is to belong, to have compassion for others experiences by being a strong, observer and creator of our holographic fields. Any thread that is not good for us, can be dismantle, release with love and forgiveness. You are a hologram, you have the strength to choose what you want to participate and put in your hologram. Choose and be free from any harming thoughts, this is your garden of mind. It starts from here, become aware and choose what is meaningful for your life. Rewrite your divine blueprint!
Suvda Gregg
Posted at 05:05h, 18 JanuaryOh dear Teza,
When reading this, I feel like flying through the galaxy, unknown dimensions and timelines. My heart wants to travel from star to star, galaxy to galaxy and discover new moon and planet, no matter how many reincarnations required. I pray and ask from all sentient beings: please increase my Awareness to travel safely through this beautiful blue universe yet unknown dimensions and timelines in order to fulfill my soul’s destiny… Please be my Light for this life time. Sincerely Suvda
Teza Zialcita
Posted at 22:47h, 27 JanuaryAw thank you so much Suvda for your message, it touched my heart. You are a powerful Andromedan and I hope that you share and shine your light activations to others. We are all one! Blessings of love and light, Teza