19 Feb Healing the wounds of the Womb
When mothers are pregnant, they carry our emotional intelligence, consciousness and cellular memories. Depending on their holistic emotional and mental state of condition, we develop our emotional intelligence. The challenges arise when one aspect of our mother’s emotional or mental state in the conception stage is imbalanced or unwholesome, then these flaws are hidden or lay dormant in our biology and energy fields. When these emotions are triggered and activated within our cellular memories and consciousness, we reenact these lower emotional frequencies such as anxiety attacks, panic or anger. These layers of unconscious memories will rise up in our biological system manifesting as illness or “dis-ease”signaling to us where our wires are crossed. When we are experiencing stress or pain, it is our body talking to us; it reveals where our energy is leaking or not in alignment.
Most of us focus our attention on the pain and never really listen to our body’s message. Our body receives and transmits information every nano-second of our existence. When we become still, the messages relay. We must ask our body parts: why is the pain happening and how we can relieve it? It is deeper than we think, layers upon layers of emotional and mental chromosomes have been passed on from generation to generation, through all past lives in all timelines, dimensions and realities. We are healing all these in our conscious awareness when we tap into our Akashic Records. We are given a window of opportunity to see what is blocking us from being wholesome and relieved from all these sufferings in our bodies and timelines that we are living in.
When our relationships with our mothers are not healed, it is difficult to connect to our divine feminine energy because of the misaligned energies between our mothers and ourselves. In order to heal this, we must first forgive our mothers for whatever things or mistakes they have caused us. Then, we forgive ourselves for harming our mothers. This congruency with our souls is about light and love; it helps us transcend this lifetime and release the baggage that we are carrying energetically. The healing connects our souls in eternal timelines and realities. We become secure with our existence on this planet Earth and our roots are grounded deeper within our consciousness. We feel that we belong and are loved.
This is a powerful mantra or prayer in releasing and clearing blockages or any illness in our energy fields.
“I release and clear my mother’s energy cords, blockages, unconscious negative beliefs, attachments, entities, beings, and souls that are in my sacral chakra and energy fields from all timelines, dimensions and realities to go back to the source of love and light with grace and ease.”
Anytime we are releasing or clearing, remember to fill the void or gap with a positive affirmation or prayer, bringing in love and light to the space. “I now ask for the blessings and healing of my sacral chakra and womb to be infused with love, light, healthy sexuality, abundance, joy, peace and freedom to receive these from the Divine providence of the source of everything, to fully manifest these gifts in my timeline right here right now, for the highest good of all and so it is.”
Healing Pain from Abortion, Miscarriages and Stillbirths
The painful experiences of mothers who have lost their children due to abortions, miscarriages or stillbirths, creates an emotional, energetic imprint in the womb. There is an energetic cord attached to the traumatic event and it creates an emotional pain body inside the wombs of women. The Sacral Chakra Energy Center becomes blocked, and it creates suffering in our relationships and sexuality. The feminine goddess energy is misaligned with the soul’s purpose.
When conception happens, the DNA of a man and woman becomes one, creating a living conscious soul. This fetus grows for approximately 9 months in the womb and absorbs information from both gender’s blueprints. We are looking at the Akashic Records or the soul’s imprints of these people and how it affects the life of this soul inside the womb. We call this soul genetic encoding, not only about biological function but also in our soul level encoding of our ancient bloodlines, DNA and energetic imprints of our family’s ancestors.
The history of our human evolution affects us in our existence. All that was created and imprinted here in Mother Earth is a part of our collective consciousness. Therefore, we live in the quantum soup of all that is. When we are unconscious of our creations, we create sufferings in our lives. We need to understand the soul codes of humanity in order to process our human conditioning.
When mothers lose their children in any form or way, they create an emotional painful body in their Sacral Chakra. This energy center resides in the reproductive center of human beings. It is a vortex or wheel of energy that connects us to the power of sex, money, creativity and relationships. We create a blockage of never-ending cycles of events that result in painful situations. This happens when we don’t heal our pain from this energy center. Unconsciously, we recreate fear and other lower emotional signatures of pain.
The mothers need to clear and heal their issues, find a soul healer to help transcend their pain. Because of the deeper wounds that this pain carries, it is necessary that a soul or spiritual healer is consulted. When the mothers’ wombs are not healed, the children that inherit these emotional signatures of pain will recreate situations in their lifetime like a cycle of karma. This is the karmic bond between parents and children. You can identify these painful emotional signatures that play within your family dynamics such as anger, guilt, abandonment, fear, shame, anxiety and many other emotions that are toxic to our spirit.
It is important that mothers’ wombs be healed to create children that are carrying the light consciousness of love. To evolve we need to transcend these sufferings. We don’t need to stay in the dark or go through painful events. We can help others transform by sharing light and love. We are always being guided by our Higher Selves, our Souls. We are being assisted by our Ascended Masters, Archangels, angels, Beings of love and light, and our loved ones from other dimensions. We need to consciously call them to create a safe and sacred space around us. These beings of Light transmute our blockages and transmit new encodings of light into our DNA to fully ascend this lifetime.
We have been in the dark for eons of time. This is the new horizon of healing for our consciousness and the species. In order to hold the sacred space for Mother Earth Gaia to fully ascend with our existence, we are asked to carry these light codes of our souls into full alignment with her gala. The high vibrations of our humanity will help our species to evolve into light beings of love. We cannot allow sufferings to bring us down. We transcend these dark nights of our soul into treasures in the light. When you are experiencing darkness, you have the power to call in light. The light penetrates each particle of our souls.
Call the masters to your situations; this allows healing in your family lineage. Cut the cords of attachments, stories of pain, blockages, fear, unconscious negative beliefs, human conditioning, entities, negative emotional signatures and patterns. St. Germain and the Violet flame together with Archangel Zadkiel work great in this department. Invoke them and light a candle, create a sacred space. Heal the children of our future. Bring the light and love and we will ascend in these lifetimes and create a magnificent experience.
May you find light in times of darkness, comfort in times of sorrows, inner peace in times of chaos, understanding in times of confusion, forgiveness in times of guilt, surrender in times of grief, and eternal love from your beloved children. They never really left; they remain always a part of you inside your precious hearts and divine souls. Eternal souls we are.
Steps in creating a ritual for the lost child:
- Light a candle and create a sacred space with your spiritual teams and guides. Invoke the angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Benevolent Galactic Beings and Star Guides in your presence. Ask your higher self to anchor into your body deva spirit.
- Name your lost child. This will help validate the spirit of your child and heal the void in your heart consciously and unconsciously.
- Write a letter to your child. Forgive yourself.
- Read the letter and let go of any guilt, shame or pain in your body and energy fields. Reconnect in the healing light.
- Visualize your child in front of you, as you fully embrace this soul into your being. Feel the love between the two of you. Ask Archangel Raphael and the Green Emerald Ray of Light for healing.
- Ask Archangel Michael to cut any cords of attachments to lower emotional frequencies such as guilt, shame or judgement in your consciousness and to be release with grace and ease. Ask Saint Germain and the Violet Flame to transmute any negative energies that were stuck in that timeline of your life. Feel the lightness and freedom.
- Thank your child’s spirit for co-creating this healing with you.
- Thank your spiritual teams and guides for this healing.
- Create a birthdate or anniversary date that you will celebrate the spirit with love and joy. Usually around the date of your abortion or miscarriage.
- You have now created a new timeline of the rebirth of your child’s spirit in the angels’ realm.
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