01 Mar Galactic History
The Milky Way galaxy with estimated to 200 to 400 billion stars and it’s 100,000 light yrs across. This story is about Star Races mostly within 700 lights yrs of earth.
This story begun 20 billion yrs ago when the universe begun as a point of light. A Big Bang expansion occurred 14 billion yrs ago:
– first planets formed 12 billion yrs ago
– first plants formed 10 billion yrs ago
– Earth formed 4.5 billion yrs ago
– animals evolved 4 billion yrs ago
– plants evolved on earth 1.5 billion yrs ago
– animals from 1 billion yrs ago
The universe is multi-dimensional. Energy forms exist across a spectrum. This story uses a 12 density/ dimension scale, from high frequency 12th density to low frequency 1st Density usually refers to beings/awareness and Dimension to domains/realms. A few billions yrs ago high frequency celestial beings appeared near Lyra to explore this galaxy. Lyra is 25 light yrs from earth. These beings are sometimes known as 12 density ‘Founders’ or ‘Elohim’. So consciousness began to explore our evolving conscious multiverse.
1 billion yrs ago the Founders created a “light body” to explore lower frequencies. The light body could interact with high frequency forms across the galaxy. But would pass right through lower frequency/density forms, such as 3rd density planets. The light body was created using light codes at lower frequencies light codes became DNA molecules.
The Founders combined the light codes with DNA from primates evolving on Lyranplanets. This created a humanoid body that could live on planets below 7th density. The celestial light body could then merged with the planetary humanoid body or incarnate. This gave high density light beings a sensory experience in lower density humanoid bodies. Over time Lyrans evolved and developed advance civilizations. 100s million yrs ago some Lyrans moved to Sirius adapting to the new environments.
Sirius is 9 light yrs fr earth. DNA from evolving (mammals, primates, reptiles, avian, feline) was adopted to create new hominoid species. 3 groups of mammals evolve in Vega 1. Humanoid 2. humanoid reptilian and 3.Reptilian. Two cultures developed as civilisations expanded in Lyra, Vega and Sirius. Developed service to self for the good of all, service to others and for the good of all. Today 80% of civilisations adopt a “service to others” philosophy.
One aspect of galaxy exploration was polarity, night and day, death, life, masculine, feminine, separation, union. Polarities are more extreme in lower density. Consciousness that had incarnated into lower density bodies often forgot they were multi-dimensional beings. It was only after the death of the body that consciousness or soul remembered who it was. Lifetimes were generally shorter on lower 3rddensity planets.
As polarities increased and cultures became to clashed conflicts with neighbors. The ongoing conflict resulted in the Great Lyran Galactic War planets were destroyed and billions of lives were lost. After the Great Lyran war Vegans and Lyrans moved to Altair 17 light yrs fr earth, Centauri 4 light years and Sirius are 9 light yrs from earth. Evolution and advanced genetics helped each species adapt to the environment of the planets. Unfortunately, serious conflict developed between groups in the Sirius system. The elders of Sirius intervene and moved the groups to Orion which is 700 light yrs from earth.
200 million yrs ago groups from Lyra and Vega looked for a place with less conflict. They found our solar system. Vegan moved to Mars and Lyrans moved to earth. 50 million yrs ago another group of Lyrans moved to earth and bringing their conflicts. 30 million yrs ago Earth- Lyrans moved to the Pleiades to escape growing conflicts. The Pleiadeans are 444 light yrs from earth the civilization, they evolved and became harmonious and peaceful and loving. Complex life evolves in galaxy creating exquisite beauty.
Some civilizations lived above or below the planet surface to protect the environment. And others civilisations destroyed their planet through pollution or war. Orion civilisations expanded into an empire of controlling dominators and selfless victims. The empire became technologically advanced while in deep spiritual conflict.
Widespread conflict became the Orion Wars of 20 million yrs ago. The Orion wars lasted for eons and had many similarities with Star Wars movies. A resistance group formed but force was met with force resulting in a stalemate. The Pleiadeans stepped in and zealously to counter the negativity of the Orion Empire. The empire struck back and destroyed a populated Pleiadean planet. The Pleiadians withdrew from the conflict. Non-physical beings from Arcturus and Sirius offered holistic healing energies.
Arturians were recognized as specialist for emotional healing. They are 37 light yrs from earth. Sirians for specialist in physical healing. The Founders decided to assist in Orion. 12th density consciousness in the form of an Orion Christ reminded Orions that they were multidimensional beings. Victims gradually became empowered in their personal sovereignty and the empire slowly lost its power. Over time peace was established and across most of the Orion empire.
10 million yrs ago new groups of reptilians from Alpha Draconis and Orion came to Maldek and Mars for exploration and conquest. Alpha Draconis is 309 light yrsfrom earth. The Orions and Draconians interbred with species already living on Maldek and Mars. Maldek ian civilisations developed into warring factions and discovered neutron technology. Nucelar conflicts escalated, shuttered and created the Orion belt. Most of them 100 million souls who perished and later incarnated on Mars. Several million yrs ago the rich diversity of life on earth attracted beings from many star systems. Alien life DNA was brought to earth and humanoid DNA was taken to 100 star systems.
3 million yrs ago Pleiadians, Lyrans and Sirians began to work together to upgrade hominoid DNA on Earth. Pleiadian DNA (some originally from Earth was used with evolved earth DNA to create a new species.
100 million beings from several star systems lived in large cities on the surface of Mars. 1.4 million yrs ago conflict escalated into atomic war destroying the fragile ecosystem.10 percent of the population survived by moving into underground cities.
1 million yrs ago Earth hominoid DNA was adjusted to prepare for evolution to 4thand 5th densities. At that time Earth hominoids already had DNA from several star beings, including reptilian. Over the last few million yrs alliances had developed across the galaxy. The Galactic Federation now represents 200, 000 Star Systems. The Pleiades joined 300,000 yrs ago. Draconia joined in 1998.
Around 800,000 yrs ago Pleiadians with several other star races decided to migrate to Earth. A large crystalline mothership was created for 50,0000 travellers. An agreement to land was reached with reptilians living on and above Earth. When the crystalline ship arrived it was attacked and destroyed by reptilians who broke the agreement. 90 star beings escaped and landed or crashed in what’s now known as south eastern Australia. Pieces of molten mothership fell to the earth.
With the help of some reptilians, the survivors built a community. Genetics and interbreeding with local hominoids eventually created a thriving new race. This new race was intellectually and spiritually advanced and spread across “Australia.”
(Earth Mars and Maldek)
Maldek was a planet that once existed between Mars and Jupiter. 10 million yrs ago Orion and Draconian explorers came to Maldek. They were interested in mining and conquest. Maldekian civilizations develop into warring factions. Each faction used up most of their resources building up military and inventing weapons. Eventually neutron technology was discovered, and missiles were created. Nuclear conflicts escalated..one day missiles destroyed an underground silo containing a large number of warheads this caused a chain reactions. A catastrophic detonation shattered the planet destroying all life and created the Asteroid Belt. The shockwaves and debris impacted several planets and moons in our solar system. Star beings in our galactic neighborhood were stunned that a planet was destroyed. 100 million Maldekian souls lost their lives. After this destruction Orions and Draconian moved to Mars.
Several species of humanoid star beings have lived on Mars for millions of yrs. These beings came from Alpha Draconis (309 ly) Vega (25 ly) Sirius (9 ly) and Orion (720 ly) Early Mars had water, large deserts, equatorial forest and a thin breathable atmosphere. A few million yrs ago several species built large cities and grew to 100 million people. They were there for science, exploration, mining and commerce. 3 million yrs ago the Martian climate changed creating larger deserts, increasing conflicts eventually involved atom bombs which devastated the fragile eco system. Advanced underground cities were built due to pollution, radiation and a growing population. The population grew to 200 million with escalating conflict over scarce water. 1. 4 million years ago an atomic war destroyed the ecosystem, 10 million survived underground. Underground cities provided food and light. But over time people became ill and infertile. Only a few lived underground today. Wars and sands storms obliterated most of the surface architecture and infrastructure. Some ruins can still be found.
Many million years ago civilization developed near Lyra species and cultural differences into wars to escape conflict they moved to alte Siruis and service to self and service to other sfor the good of all. Sirius elders intervene and moved the conflictive group to Orion the exploration of polarity. Became extreme of controlling denominators 20 million syrs ago lasted for eons. Like Star War movies the Pleiadians aske for help the negativity of the Orion empire. The Pleidians ewithdrew. Arcturs offers holistic healing to Orions sovereign beings the empire lost influence Orion and Lyran became the founders of the Galactic Federation today it represents 200,000 star systems.
200,000 yrs ago a pole shit caused cataclysmic destruction on Earth. Half of Earth’s 1.5 billion human population perished. After these changes a large area called Lemuria (Mu) appeared in the Pacific Ocean. The energy of Lemuria attracted peaceful beings from the Pleiades, Sirius and Orion.
100,000 yrs ago warring star systems connected with Earth’s long history signed a galactic peace treaty. However, those who are already on Earth from these star systems continued their ego driven conflicts. 100,000 yrs ago Earth geography looked different -although the continents were in similar positions.
50,000 yrs ago cataclysms submerged the western half of Lemuria. Before sinking survivors fled to what is now Australia, Indonesia and India. After 50,000 yrs ago Atlantis became a dominant (and dominating) civilisation. Atlantis was a technologically advanced civilisation in contact with various star beings. Atlanteans were mixed of Pleiadian, Orion and Draco genetics and culture.
The Atlanteans developed a crystal energy generator to power their civilisation. Some Atlanteans traded this crystal technology for Orion military equipment. 30,000 yrs ago Atlanteans attempted to use the crystal energy for military purposes. Miscalculations resulted in a catastrophic explosion that destroyed much of Atlantis and the remainder of Lemuria. Very large areas of land were covered in lava flows. When this land sank the ocean rolled in creating steam that caused weeks of rain. A few thousand Atlanteans escaped in airships landing in Central and South America and Egypt.
12,000 yrs ago Atlanteans accidentally triggered their own final sinking attempting to rebuild the crystal generator. Following the final destruction of Atlantis, Egypt became the dominant civilisation. Sirians with technology, psychic ability, inflated egos arrived and became the gods and gurus of the ancient world. They were joined by Orions and Dracos who are interested in enslaving earth populations. Sirians withdraw from influencing Earth’s cultural and political affairs in the middle ages.
In the 1940 at the start of our Atomic Age, two Zeta groups Grey came to earth. Zeta Reticuli is 39 light yrs from earth. One Zeta group had survived pollution and war on their planet by living underground. However they had become sterile and can only reproduce through cloning.
Human DNA and hybrid breeding (involving abduction) was organized to avert extinction. Star beings became concerned about the Atomic Age and environmental degradation. UFOs deactivated nuclear sites and missiles to prevent disaster from accidents and atomic war. From the 1940s a few service to self ETs began secret contacts with some governments.
So far the story has been about star beings between 720 light years of Earth. Beings from the Andromeda galaxy have also played a role in Earth’s long history. The Andromeda galaxy is 2.5 million light yrs fr earth. A wormhole connects the Andromeda galaxy to the Milky Way galaxy. The wormhole exits near Antares which is 604 light yrs from Earth. The Andromedans have helped prevent nuclear disaster since 1945.
A new Galactic Treaty in the mid 1990s resulted in more star races joining the Galactic Federation. Star races that had made deals with secret Earth groups stopped cooperating. In 1995 the Zetas completed their DNA and hybridization program. Today many hybrid children adults are are living on motherships.
Hybrids indicate that their purpose
- To help anchor higher 5th density frequencies on Eart.
- To act as bridge between ETs and humanity.
- To be of service to individuals, humanity and Mother Earth.
Human DNA has been adapted many times by different star beings. Dormant DNA has become active over the last few decades resulting in enhanced abilities. Increasing number of children are remembering their cosmic heritage. Over the last 20 yrs various disclosure agenda have been in play.
2. Whistle-blowers
3. Investigative journalist
4. Researchers
5. Contactees/experiencers
6. ETS
CE5 groups are forming across the planet to initiate human contact. A CE5 documentary was released in 2020. An emerging Galactic Worldview helps us to see that we are genetically, culturally, and spiritually part of the galactic human family. Our galactic Earth is much loved by many star beings. Perhaps Earth would soon be ready to join the galactic federation.
The Prism of Lyra
Extraterrestrial vision Who is here and Why By Gina Lake
Galactic History by Debbie Solaris
Your Galactic Neighbors By Sheldan Nidle
Hybrid Humans
The Real History of earth by Sal Rachelle
Alcheringa By Valerie Barrow
Meet the Hybrids By Miguel and Barbara Lamb
The Star-Races
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