31 Jan Galactic Ancestors
Being given the sacred gift of accessing the Akashic Records of the collective is beyond this world. We are blessed but great responsibilities are a part of this soul’s path. As a conscious observer of this healing modality, I realized there are lot of unconscious layers of fear that human being needs to let go in order to be at one with the self and the universe. Doubts and fear have no space for the Akash dimension, they are hindrance to accessing higher consciousness. The vibrations of creation is in the Akash, darkness and light all together as your soul evolves it reveals to you what is the next step in increasing the light filament in your existence. Not only with your knowledge, wisdom but most of all your capacity to love and open your heart to everything. The murderer, the witch, the vampire all of these archetypes have a part of this collective creations of all that is. What is important is your conscious choice, you are given another timeline to experience living here on earth and choose the path of the spiritual warrior. This entails power, strength and courage. The fearlessness of this path will take you back to your home, the galaxy. As you evolve, your planetary body will remember the galactic origins. Your galactic ancestors will call you back to your truth and destination. They will help you build these light trajectories in your future timelines, one day at a time. Eternally mapping your way to the stars.
There are a lot of different ways in tapping into the Akashic Records of others. As a reader, your main duty is to read like an observer, without attaching yourself from what is being given to you. There are eons of lifetimes that are written in our eternal Records, only few will be shown as our soul can only assimilate such timelines. When you are working with another person, you are also working with their spiritual guides for the highest good of the individual. When reading remember not to judge, no resistance or editing as this is given to help others attain their purification. You can also trigger the other person in the reading if they have not attain inner peace with what is being shown. It is tricky at times, for the ego will kick in and would like to sabotage the deep healing that needs to take place. Any reactions or triggers is an indication of resistance and reassure your client that this reading is from the past timelines. Its awareness now will help collapse these old timelines to assist in the ascension process.
As a galactic being, we have been through many wars, chaos and conflicts. The separation that we are experiencing now with fellow family members or society is a part of these timelines. We are now being given these doors of opportunity to collapse these timelines, forgive ourselves and others for participating in these wars consciously and unconsciously in all timelines, dimensions and realities. Our aim as a galactic embodiment is to be at peace at all times with all sentient beings. This is the culmination from all the detoxification and purification process that you have taken up to this point.
This is a reminder also that everyone is not on the same timeline. Everyone is doing the best that they know how. There is no judgement. We are all working towards the golden era. As a conscious member of the Federation of Light, you will receive activations and spiritual guidance in your journeys with your tribe. Each one of us, is meant to be where we are stationed. Your stillness, will bring fruition. All your positive intentions, thoughts, emotions and actions reverberate in the universe.
You soul’s desire to serve humanity and the planet is your main focus. Do not be lost in the feelings of separation. Your attention is towards the highest good of all beings, this will help you build the Antakarana Bridge towards the Source of all that is. Your actions will affect your Stellar Gateway Chakra and open you more to what is limitless highest potentials in this lifetime. Asking the help of the Gold, Silver and Violet Flame of Archangel Zadkiel and St. Germain will transmute any lower energies and helps you clear the ascension path pure and light. This powerful light raises everything to a very high frequency.
This healing path that you have taken has a lot of responsibilities. Cultivating relationships with the Masters of the Universe will assist you in understanding the universal laws that abides in every creation. Lord Kuthumi as the World Teacher initiates you with knowledge, spiritual truths and inspiration to help others. Your humility to learn these codes and keys to open up the souls of others to receive is a great need at this juncture. You are here to transmute the pain of this world.
As you continue this work, you are being summoned to listen deeply. In your silence, you will find a sacred space that will attune your frequencies to light and pure consciousness amidst the chaos of the world. Your rest is important to balance the noise of your surroundings. The suffering is indeed difficult to face, their cries and miseries are like the hungry ghosts that were stuck in the past. These doors are now opening to new beginning as you become more astute to what is needed to happen. You are being guided every way. There is no separation between our worlds. Your spiritual body and physical is one. Your mother earth and the galaxy is one. A holographic matrix one in all aspects of your multidimensionality.
The light emanation that you emit will help others recognized their truth. The love that you embody is effable. Unmeasurable compassion for all sentient beings that are experiencing darkness. You bring this to anyone you meet, you radiate the unconditional love and mercy to humankind. Like the lotus flower, unfolding its majestic presence, unbeknownst to the lotus its gift but remains to be present in the muddy waters of the ground. Your presence is palpable and honorable to mother earth your chosen home.
This timeline will supersedes all that you have done to be where you are now. Be at peace my love. You are here to experience joy, love and peace. Let go of any attachment that brings you sorrows and pain. You are done with that lower vibrations. Let your shining light raise yourself and others. It is time to rejoice. The darkness had bowed itself into the dawning of the new age. The golden light plasma in your bloodline, your multidimensionality, glorious times are here with you. Feel it, be grateful for these blessings of the galactic ancestors. The star beings surrounding you in the darkest night of the soul, you find treasures of the light. You belong to us, you are home here and in the galaxies. We are watching you and eternally beside you. Where you walk, the light pierces the veil of separation, I am here with you. Beyond the clouds of doubt, any fear of falling, the pain of separation is gone..forever in the stars we are one.
photo credit: NASA Hubble
Lisa Webster
Posted at 15:48h, 31 JanuaryBeautiful Teza! 🙏🏻
Teza Zialcita
Posted at 23:45h, 11 AprilThank you so much Lisa! Blessings, Teza