07 Oct Galactic Activations
As we traverse this transition into being our powerful Light body, we experience the separation of our egoic mind and spirit. You become detached to things and stories, you self-realized that what is important now is your breathe. This life force that is upon you is animated in all things, the plants become greener and vibrant, your animals conversing with you, you attract things, people and situations for the highest good of all beings. You become the alchemist of old paradigm of fear, contractions and suppression. You become a magnet of expansion. You are the Midas of this Golden Light that is increasing in your awareness and others. Collectively, we are being summoned to BE, authentic, light and free from others opinions of you. You become You.
You choose this incarnation. You are here together with the collective, others are in fear vibrations, you have the decision to make. What are you choosing? There are noise, confusion and foggy thoughts around you. Be still and know that all is well. You have done this many eons of lifetime. The technology had been here, it is just rising up again in your awareness. You are remembering the keys and codes to your living library of your Akashic memory. You hold the keys. You are a Light keeper. You accepted this agreement to anchor back this golden keys and light codes to mother earth as she accelerate into her glorious ascension.
As your planetary body receives the higher accelerated frequencies of light codes, you are being asked to ground more. Taking care of your vehicle just like a car having a maintenance for longevity. This temple, your sacred body will be receiving downloads of light frequencies that can sometimes tire you out as your body needs to rest more in order to assimilate these codes into your cellular level of consciousness.
Your living memory is highly sensitive and simultaneously receiving these light codes. They contain filaments of fibre optics that can be hard to readjust when re-orientating your accommodation to new perceptions of light. Your Third Eye allows this space for activations to fully lift the veil of separation from the energetic fields. You will be seeing the unknown mysteries that had been hidden in your perceptions. Your Third Eye is the portal of this wisdom. It is the keeper of light. This is fully activated when you are initiated by the Masters of Light. These codes are the sacred geometries that are being downloaded right here right now in order to activate the dormant keys within you.
Your cells are the living memory bank of the cosmos. Within each one of them contains the divine intelligence of creation. They bond the matrix of the multi verses, as you raise your vibrations, you become highly receptive to these activations and will be elevating your human genome into the hybrid of galactic cosmology. Each person is like the galaxy combined into a universe and as the generations regenerate it develop its higher species of light codes. Each incarnation composed of vibrations from the star constellations that you had gathered. Some are farther than the Andromeda, your vocabulary is not as expansive as these stars.
You have tapped into the living cosmology, it will be revealed to you, your true identity. You are the Light frequency of the stars. You transmit this within and into the external gravitational force. Your magnetic fields is the strong force that hold your incarnated planetary body. You have been traversing the universe in your astral travels. The Sun portal holds the light frequencies for your growth and awakening the masculine energies within you. The Moon portal holds the feminine divine aspects of receptivity, relaxing into the night with the stars. Your planetary body is being guided, protected and loved by your ancestors that are cheering for your advancement into this generations in order to assist the further advancement of our species.
You have everything that you needed to know. Looked around you, with openness and gratefulness for being here. Your body is the temple of knowledge. You are the goddess of light. The light codes are your treasures of understanding what is seemingly difficult for others to grasp. They are in their own ascension process. You can not interfere their journey. It is freewill. You choose to be where you are, with equanimity you become empowered. Focusing on your light body and vibrations to keep programming into your higher self. Your highest intention to live in this lifetime is to free yourself from noise and others confusion of their true identity. The love within you will take your vibrations into a higher realm. This is the vibrations of wisdom. Love yourself as you love others without judgement. Be loved my beloved.
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