16 Nov For Theo
It had been almost two years since we lost you Theo. Tonight my birthday I was looking at your pictures and still cannot believe that you are not here beside me, to kiss me and greet me in my birthday. I wrote your name in the sand and it feels like forever that I have not seen your face. I stopped bringing your photo in my holidays and an altar of you. I just did, but you never dissipate in my heart you will be here eternally and not a day that I did not think of you. You had broken open my heart. I realized that the greatest lessons in my life I learned were from losing you.
I learn the golden meaning of time. To prioritize my relationships with those who are intimate to me and create a meaningful time with them. To de clutter my life of things that are not important. To be grateful of my blessings and appreciate those who are with me. I learned to love with open mind and heart and not to attach any expectations to others. To flow, be gentle with myself and let go of any toxic burden in my heart. To be present with my life, letting go of the past and know that I am provided for no matter what. To follow what gives me joy and passionately create what is in my heart. To let go of judgement and unconditionally love myself and see others with openness. To be true to my self and be who I am without withholding my expression. Being authentic to the core. I love you Theo and I missed your kisses every breathe of my life.
One with me
xoxo Ma
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