10 Dec faery realm
The faeries are a significant part of my life. It started in childhood as I was surrounded by exotic flowers and luscious vegetation in the paradise of the Philippines. Nature brought so much joy in my heart. I dreamt of faeries as they were swinging me along the wild vines like creeping plants in the jungle. They look very frail, thin creatures and airy like. Their wings are like butterflies with different rays and beams of light. Their essence is of pure joy, delight and love. They are simply magical.
You can feel their essence when you are close to the plant kingdom. The essence and sparkles of light around these beings are palpable. I love walking in the forest and feel their joyous energy. The sunbeams around the plants are your signs that they are around. Having an open mind and heart will help you connect with the faeries. You can communicate with them and imagine that they are close to you.
I surround myself with plants at home and I know that the faeries take care of my plants. They are the guardians of the plant kingdom. Sometimes faeries can be mischievous, I was kidnapped once and was lost in the forest for 4 hours. I was missing and could not find my way out luckily; I was talking with a friend on the phone and told him to tell my family that I was lost and that my cell had run out of battery.
I was mesmerized with the faeries in the forest. I saw giant leaves and I was tip toeing in the logs around the forest. Like a little child, I picked up berries to help me feel safer and comforted during this eerie time of being lost. I found my way home by following a creek. It was a magical time and this memory will always be with me.
I had a special dream with my faeries. In the dream there were two goddesses, tall beings and one who is Nirvana was talking to me and was saying that she is saying goodbye. She was introducing me to another goddess faery and then suddenly her head was cut off. I woke up from the dream and was wondering what it was about?
That day I was wearing my faery pendant and while I was walking in the hallway of the nursing home, the head of the faery pendant fell off. I was shocked because I dreamt of this goddess whose head was cut off.
On my birthday, I created a ritual with the faeries. I drove to Harrison Hot Spring to celebrate. I found another fairy goddess, and I realized this is the one that Nirvana was introducing me to in my dream that night. I named this faery, Desiree. On the faery night, I gathered crystals, unicorns, faery statues. I drew oracle cards and I wrote about my wishes and dreams. I smudged the room and lit candles and felt their presence in my circle. I bring sweets for the faeries and ask them to make my dreams come true.
Living in this realm is enchanting, you can imagine them dancing in the light. They are happy little creatures with joyful laughter. They love to make you happy and to stay playful in life. They are also around my cats and keep them company. They are simple, connected to the ethereal space. Every June 24th I celebrate their day. When I feel sad, I make sure that I go out and be in nature. I ask the faeries to comfort me. To help me go through my sadness with light and grace. They are my sweetest companions in life. Be it in a dream or my reality. Faeries are my favorite guardians of mother earth.
Posted at 11:00h, 10 DecemberI enjoyed your story, thanks. I would like a pendant like that for a gift.
Teza Zialcita
Posted at 17:47h, 18 DecemberAw thank you Mike, hehe 🙂 she is one of a kind! xo