19 Nov Embodied liberation from ego
The ascent of kundalini-consciousness withdrawing itself back into itself- happens through its arousal, awakening, and liberation. As kundalini ascends, it absorbs all dualistic experience, ends suffering, and brings about the state of embodied liberation.
The Divine Thread
(Sutra Four)
by Khecaranatha
Our awakening comes when the divine grace activates our kundalini, which is the column of Light in front of our spine. It arouses our own longing to fill in a void that is deep in the recesses of our core being. We got aroused, stimulated, curious and start searching for spiritual teachers to show us the way to enlightenment. We feel that we don’t have the answers so we keep looking.
In the process of awakening, it can take forever if we don’t stop and contemplate. It can take into a form of addiction and habituation. We have to find sometime to reflect on our own path. The teacher can only guide us but not transform our consciousness if we do not choose to do the work by our own self. We are the one who will do the work. There is no easy way out. It is a challenging path to choose consciousness. We are responsible to choose the path to least resistance. We cannot resist what keeps persisting.
Our deep seated shadows will rise up. We have to acknowledge that we have certain patterns that we need to unlearn. To disentangle our confusion and let go to what is unfolding within. To totally surrender to what we have no power over. By doing this path of surrender, we can finally let go of control. The universe can take us by surprise when we surrender our lives. We will be challenge and our strength will be tested.
When divine grace arouses our consciousness, we can choose to respond by ascending and purification. We can master our path through stillness. Practicing meditation. We can receive unity with our energies, through the merging of our feminine and masculine energies. We remember our unity with divine consciousness. I become we.
As we process the ascension, we lose our grasping and end our suffering. Our ego is the one who suffers and separate from another human being. Look at yourself if you are still reacting? We know that we still have works to do when we are reacting and feel the separation from another human being. Anything that is happening beyond our control, we can totally surrender anything to the Source or God.
When we are focus to our mission here on mother earth we allow our Higher Self to anchor within us. We are able to transform our human consciousness to divinity. Nothing can disturb us by truly recognizing that we are bigger that the ego or suffering. This is the mastery of ascension, that we can truly feel that we are a part of the grand design.
Let us allow, open our mind and heart to receive the divine grace, to be awaken, arouse and aware of our ignorance. That we may be liberated from the ego and attain freedom from any dualistic experience. We ask that we may become an embodiment of liberation.
Ask your Higher Self how you can shift from feeling separated from others? To know that the truth is that we are all one in unified consciousness. This is the blissful space where you want to be home. It is very uplifting and only peace can reside in this sacred space. We become at one with the grand design of our life.
We tap into our highest potential by mastering our gifts and lessons. We become a conduit for others to see their Light. Shining your Light means, do the work, humble yourself to the divine gifts that you receive and share this pure Light to others. As we receive increase frequencies of higher vibrations, we ascend to a sacred space of oneness. There is no separation, but true one field of universal spirit. Our universal mind taps into the coherent synergy of the divine. We are conductors of this wave and as we accelerate and expand our horizon, we develop a portal or vortex of radiant Light. We help dissipate any shadows that are lingering in the mind consciousness of human beings. We create a rippling quantum effect of our brightest Light into others lives. We remind them of their true essence.
The imperfections in the third dimensional space will be transformed into true form of Light. Fractals of the Source of all that is, the void is filled with this magnificent Light. We have reached a quantum field of Light fractals coming into One. We are these lighbodies that are anchoring this golden age of our human domain. Activated, anchored and expansive multi-dimensional lives that we are living right here in our physical bodies.
As we channel this divine teachings, we are reminded of the transitions that we are encountering. Be still and know that you are always guided to the truth. Free yourself of any distractions, be focus and master your soul’s path. Living a legacy of Light to all sentient beings that are here. We are always supported by other benevolent beings of Light. As one we are here to co-create this field of oneness. The high councils of Light are here to see us transform into our majestic beings. One Light in multi-dimensional bodies that we inhabit, we become acutely aware of our true existence.
Imagine this dimension with full of Light, how bright is your soul collaborating with this grand design. No hidden shadows, no judgements, no masks to wear. We are pure Light radiating its essence to each and all individuated expressions of the divine universe.
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