19 Jul Elevate our consciousness
What are we learning when we separate our lives from our divinity or love? There are blockages in our existence when we live from this space of duality of being human and divine or love and fear. These are examples of how we feel when we are broken: we are not good enough, afraid of being rejected and hurt, betrayed, abandoned and not loved, unable to feel abundant, deep sadness and many other lower vibratory of our emotional fields. Listening to others I realized we are in a collective pool of these negative emotions that can hinder us from love and bright sparks of light. We cannot see the light within us because we are bombarded by these emotional imprints from our ancestors.
We create drama with our relationships, unconscious that we are the major participant in this confusion. We magnetized everything around us. We need a lot of help to disengage from these lower frequencies of our ancestral imprints. The time is now. Let us begin a new journey of hope, openness, vulnerability to open our hearts, to trust that we are always loved no matter what happened to us, to believe that we are not in this journey alone in the darkness, to be able to share our wisdom and encourage others who are lost and to speak of the sacred within us.
How can we navigate in the midst of chaos? First we need to understand that we are the storyteller. We create our own stories. How are you co-creating your life story with the divine? If there are a lot of chaos, conflict and fear then we need to see where the roots of this story begins. This is your Book of Life known as Akashic Records. With this guide or map of our multi-dimensional soul we can see the past imprints, see the current timelines and find ways to change and shift our chapters of lives to an empowered state of life. We have the help and assistance of the Masters of Light. They are here with us, when we call or invoke their presence. These Ascended Masters are eternal just like us humans living in this physical dimension. The only difference is they had now ascended in the spiritual dimension. But their presence is infinitesimal beyond this world. Because of their omnipotent power they had ascended to that higher frequencies to help us vibrate higher or raise our consciousness.
We are all blessed to have this capacity to be attune to their teachings, transmissions and activations. When we call these Masters, they blend their presence into our trillions of cells and we receive their love and light. We accelerate our light frequencies and downloads of wisdom and knowledge within us. We recalibrate our memories remembering our true essence. Together with these Masters we can renew, rebirth and recalibrate our presence and auric fields into a field of that radiates this essence. People around you can feel this love and light. You feel this higher vibrations. You are one with the Masters. You become a servant of the Light. You know deep within you that you are here to serve and anchor this light to mother earth and all sentient beings. As we practice this rituals and ceremonies in our daily lives, we dissipate the dramas and darkness of our lives. We become fully conscious of our creations. We become illuminated. We help others in their own journeys towards the understanding of what it means to live in love and light.
Question that you can ask yourself to help you clear your mind and emotions:
- How can I navigate through this chaos?
- What are the things that bothered me?
- What are the emotions that I feel deeply?
- Am I feeling abandoned?
- How can I open myself, mind and heart to find new solutions in seeing this problem?
- Where in the past this problem reminded me of?
- Have I forgiven myself and others who had hurt me?
- Why is this situation affecting me?
- How can I meet his problem with openness and trusting that the universe is showing me the way to creating a new way of seeing myself and others?
- How can I release fear, abandonment and rejection?
- Why am I attached to others opinions about me?
- What do I really want to create?
- How can I focus and not drain myself?
- Can I release these emotions that do not make me feel good?
- Can I forgive others?
- Can I be kind, caring and gentle to myself and others?
- Can I let go of disturbing thoughts and emotions?
- Can let go of insecurity and fear?
- Can I just be love and be loved?
- Can I let go of being right?
- Can I be at peace with what it is?
- Can I accept myself with all my imperfections?
- Can I accept others with all their imperfections?
- Can I be happy?
- Can I remain still with what is occurring in my life?
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