13 Apr Do you see the world with love?
Life is a mysterious puzzle. If we are listening to the words of the person across us with open mind, no agenda and open heart; we will find treasures. These treasures are the gold nuggets that will connect the dots of your higher perspective why this certain individual is in front of you. You magnetized this in your life. That means the universe is teaching you something that is hidden in your naked eye. What could that be? The parts of you that you have not put together. For me this is drama from my huge family of 10.
Imagine you are 57, and you are still facing this drama. No matter what age you are in, it does not matter. Because life is eternal, we are souls that co-created experiences in this 3D that will bring the sweet sometimes bitter lessons of life. There is no other one or person in front of you, this is you. This is the mirror of what you have not put together, the missing puzzle of you. To make this simple.
If you are experiencing drama, pain or difficulty with a person. This is resistance. This means, you need to face the resistance. You do not run away because it will just keep repeating in your life with the same drama but different form. For example, you find that you are involved with a person in whatever type of relationship. Then this person triggered you, you are emotionally hurting like feeling abandoned, rejected or not validated.
First, examine yourself. Ask questions back into yourself. What are the pain that is triggering you? What this reminds you in your childhood? Who are the person in your life that acts like this? You are excavating your past situations and conditions that you received. Our foundation yrs, the emotions and state of mind of your mother, what kind of relationship did your parents have? You are going back to the roots of your incarnation.
- Ancestors history
- Your birthplace, the country’s predominant conditioning program
- Security, how do you deem wealth is?
- Your situation and relationship with money
- Your close family members
- Examine the archetypes of your tribe
- Were you adopted or abandoned?
- Your sexuality
- How did you see your parents relationship?
- Foundation yrs of your childhood, any trauma or suffering that you had experience
These are examples of your growth patterns and when they are all written you have created a map for putting things all together your foundational ways of survival. This will be the ways you had coped with your life. How you survived the pain and contributed to the way your mind operates and see the other person in front of you.
It sounds complicated but it is not. We make life complicated, life is simple when we see things clearly. When we go deep and dive to the abyss or dark night of the soul. This is where true knowledge and wisdom is given. The Source or God that we call is infinite resources of our ways of understanding. We have access to this, it is our Akashic Records or blueprints of humanity’s evolution and all the creations in this manifested form. It is vast and limitless.
This is our life, manifesting as nothing and everything. The things that we see, we manifest this. Your home, relationship and everything that you surround yourself with. But at this juncture of time, the virus is complicating our lives. We cannot hide from the virus of our souls. It is penetrating all of us. The paradox of life. The truth is there is only love. The fear or suffering that we feel is well beyond our mind can comprehend.
We are vast layers of stardust in the universe, quantum fields of vibrations, higher or lower frequencies of energy, protons, electrons, neutrons, nucleus, sub-atomic level, beyond our limiting mind. You see the complications of your creation is a miracle equation of the Divine mind/ Source/God that our language cannot fully understand.
But the truth is we bond with this essence of love, harmonious frequencies of universal laws and order of the Divine Mind. We will not comprehend this equation because we are in the egoic mind. When this trickster archetype of our ego appeared in our present timeline. We are caught off guard. We become scattered and confused, our mind is in shock. How things are not the way that we conceive it from? We step into the equation of disorder. But through the acts of the trickster, we get untangled of the conditioning of our patterns. We collapsed our old beliefs and patterns. We then ask the universe, “what now?” Remain in silence and there you receive a “aha” moment. You were seeing the world in fear! You get trapped into this box. You were participating in this huge calamity of human unconscious mind. This is the virus. This is the trapped. We are now experiencing all traps of the mind. The trickster is activated. It is not bad or right. There is only higher or lower vibrations. If we hit the highest vibration of love, we push the button and delete these files of suffering. We let go of the person, situation or garbage in our mind. Through this radical transformation that we decided to choose love. Then, the world will show you that all is well. That the other person is always been love, you just have to dig deeper to your own unconscious mind to let go of these filters.
We get clarity. We are like these machines operating from the manipulation of our reptilian mind. We are animals with conscience. This is the detector, our innate conscientious mind. Our conscience.
It brings us back to square one, if we are not align to love we will keep recycling the same story of suffering. Our world mother earth, will exist according to love but we have the power to destroy our destiny. Our fate lies in our hands. Together we can stop the insanity. Through ways of compassion, kindness and fully being responsible of our intentions, thoughts and actions. This will pave a new beginning of our golden era. This is clarity.
The things that we see with fear are illusions created beyond our imaginations all the way through our manifestation here in mother land. When we have busted this box of suffering like our jail house. We will see love. This love is the only power that will keep us here. Every minute we plant a seed of hatred or judgement we are damn. Remaining in these cyles of karma and pain.
You are the only one that can stop this pain that you feel. Your power is within you. You are creating this person in front of you. Look around you, look within you this is all your creations. The illusion of this world is fear. We create fear to protect ourselves from suffering. But as long as we don’t examine our contribution into this collective pool of fear and suffering. We will not evolve. We as humans will stay in corrupting our souls.
This soul consciousness is the dimension of light. That no shadow can reside. This resides in your heart. When you close the door to those who are not giving you love, your whole being becomes peaceful. Your mind is clear. The way to heaven is your heart. It has to remain pure, truthful and kind. We are living in this dimension when we are awake to our pain and we transcend this through forgiveness.
The power of this act or thought has infinite potential. This is transmutation of our collective suffering. The Ascended Masters are paving this path. Saint Germain and the Violet Flame will help you achieve this clear path.
Do not waste your time harboring any pain. Send this powerful sacred fire to each other. To the space that you are dwelling from, your footprints are precious. This is a sacred land. Treat yourself sacred. Do not fear. Be bold, open your heart and say how you feel. Do not keep secrets, they harbor the underlying suffering of your soul. Be free from the karmic bondage. Examine and act with the power of your higher self you will emancipate your life. Do you see the world with love or fear? This will direct you to your soul.
Posted at 20:26h, 13 AprilHi Teza, Thank you for this inspirational and very helpful blog! Ira
Teza Zialcita
Posted at 09:25h, 16 AprilYou are welcome Ira, and thank you so much for all your support and love. Teza