09 Mar Divine direction
Listen to your divine direction
As humans create their realities, they had forgotten that everything starts in the field of nothingness. This space is like a vacuum filled with imprints of the past timelines, co-created patterns and sacred geometrical forms of your blueprints. In order to establish a new template of creation, you have to undo what had been created within. The old paradigm collapsed and then new creation can immerse. In letting go of old patterns and behaviour, entanglement can occur. Someone will trigger you like a litmus test of your mastery. It will redirect you to what you needed to see. If you have taken it with compassion in the heart and gaining strong boundary for self-respect? This is how the universe attracts to you others that will serve as triggers and teachers for self-mastery.
It is your choice to free yourself from being a victim but rather surpass this self- inflicted misery. In mastery, you are learning to understand how others vibrate and how you become the observer of any situations. You detached yourself from their reality, you feel how they vibrate and see what is being presented to you as a catalyst for learning what you want, what you allow and choose to surround yourself. You are the co-creator of your own destiny. A map of your emotional and mental conscious priorities and actions. You are choosing the best version of yourself, by being responsible for what you allow in your energy fields. Do not allow toxins that are infecting your soul. These are fear based imprints from your past conditioning. Look beyond the situation where you are in and ask yourself questions that can lead you to the authentic truth of who you are.
Freedom for blaming others and not reacting with indignation is a sign of maturity. You do not take any situations as something against you. But it is happening because you magnetised this. You are the master creator that can alchemised any predicament. Nothing is permanent, see the lesson and move on. You are a golden liquid light that carries the consciousness of Christ. You are Merlin that can turn lead into gold. You are saint Germain that can transmute any negative situation. You are a powerful ascended master that incarnated here in mother earth to shift human collective consciousness into a higher vibration of love and Light.
You are a light body that is always protected, guided and loved by the Masters of Light. Your present moment is your guide to freedom, when you are awaken to the mastery of your Akashic Records. All the people around you is a collaboration from the universal energy and mind of the creation. You are co-creating events that will enhance and uplift your next level of mastery. As you create what you want, your perfect divine connections and relationships with others will flourish. This life is sacred. This life is yours to manifest the most beautiful and loving experiences that you can have.
Together with the Masters of Light, you will understand the Law of love. This is the greatest force in life, to love and be loved. How do you create this? First by vibrating in love. Knowing this in your cellular level of consciousness and memories. When you remember your true essence you develop a sense of trust and strong faith. You become one with God/Source of all that is.
The chaos that is happening right now is not here as permanent. We have the capacity like liquid water to pass through this fear. Do not grasp situation as permanent, see them as like clouds passing by and beneath these heavy clouds is rain that will shower the earth and humanity to refresh, recharge and renew a rebirth of civilization. This had been occurring eons of lifetimes, you are evolving as a conscious human species to an expansive process of unlearning the old ways. To being love as the core magnet of all creations. That fear is but a space of wanting love.
Like a lighthouse, people are attracted to your light. These are people experiencing the dark night of the souls. They needed your guidance to navigate through the stormy weather. How to sail in these turbulent water. They are drowning in sorrows and griefs. They forgotten the keys and codes of their divine self. The soul that holds the key to the paradise of love. That sacred sanctuary within each one of us. This bond us together to survive into thriving any calamity that befallen our timelines. We are stronger than what we think we are capable of achieving in this lifetime. With the help and support of these Masters of Light, we will transcend limitations. We will victoriously win this fear with love, compassion and kindness towards others and those that are caught in illusions of ego.
As a lighthouse continue to shine light to others path. Do not be dissuade by others ignorance, you are needed at this juncture of time. Time for harvest is here. Open your mind and hearts to those who are being guided into your journey. These are gifts from your sacred vows and contracts. Co-create with your passionately driven values and strength. Shine your pure light into the darkness of the world. Your light body will direct you into the expansion of your universe. Continue the steps that you have taken, when you feel burdened with heaviness of human sufferings, be still and know that you are loved. You are always guided with direct and clear guidance towards your ascension path. There is no turning back, there is only now.. to see, feel and know that you are loved beyond this reality. You are a master of love. I love you with all my heart, your divine mother.
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