11 Nov Divine calling is a grace
The arousal of kundalini happens through grace, which is divine consciousness within each individual revealing itself, fortified by an indestructible clarity of intention, the authentic sadhaka polishes the mirror of his self-reflective capacity with disciplined inner practice, selfless service, and conscious choice.
-The Divine Thread
By Swami Khecaranatha
To think that there is nothing that we do to arouse the awakening of the kundalini is such a profound gift from the Creator. We are so loved and gifted to be a part of something grand. We are fractals of the whole cosmology. How unimaginative expression of the universe is that? It is incomprehensible within the confines of our egoic mind that we are so precious in the grand scheme of things.
My return to home was given to me on July 2008 when I came to my first day of Akashic Records workshop. I had unseen energetic hands that were scanning my body while I was in my bed. I felt there were beings of Light that were giving me an energetic scan and heard the loud words of a spiritual male guide quite strong and defined, “you are returning to home.” I woke up and was shocked I asked myself, if I am dying today? This was the wake up call of my life. To return to home is to know my soul. My blueprint that is written in my Akashic Records, from then on I consistently opened my book of life and realigned myself to my highest potential. To write passionately, convey the wisdom of the divine and selflessly share my service to all sentient beings.
We are awakening from the deep recesses of our being. When one is awaken it becomes a calling. We become still in our present moment. In handling our daily mundane things, we stop to react to conflicts but fully opening our mind and listening to what our heart is saying. To totally surrender to what is given. Resistance to our expansive soul is killing us. We keep going back to our habitual default which is fear. There is no time to lose in our awakening times. The time is here. The time is now. Divine perfectly orchestrated for our collective to rise and wake up. We are all one divinely rising from our burnt ashes into rebirthing our souls. New template of love, Light and peaceful spiritual warriors of our divine space.
Our divine self- reflections, look within it is imprinted in our cellular memories. We are divine beings of Light. Our divine guru is here waiting for us to co-create our highest vibrations. Deep within us is this calling. Let us rise up and walk this path of divinity. Divine grace is given to those who listen.
This is the step of awakening, one who develops a sense of sensitivity to what is. What is unfolding with divine grace? This is love in its highest form. When we stop to conceptualized and internalized the true essence of what is unfolding. This is divine grace.
We are going through some kind of challenges when we choose the path of illumination. We have layers of blockages that we need to clear. It is only through conscious choice that we can have a defined clarity.
We have to totally surrender this life into selfless service. If we are consumed with our small self the ego, we are distracted from being expansive. Our connection to divine abundance is misaligned because we have a weak faith. We are coming from fear of being seen, our Light is divine and pure it has to shine from pure divine intention.
Faith is the seed that is within. We are here to be in alignment with faith, that all is well. There is no room for smallness and ego when we have a strong faith. Through this action, we are in congruent with divine intervention. Things happen and manifest in no time and space. We are spiritually connected when we have clarity and our foundation is strong. This is rooted in divine consciousness not according to our human egoic mind.
It is a consistent discipline to be align with our higher power. We have a lot of imprints from lower vibrations of our ancient lineage. These are unconscious negative beliefs that we are not enough. We keep repeating the same cycle of fear. Awareness when things are being triggered is an important step in awakening. We have the power to stop and listen within, when we get caught with reactions.
When we receive this infusion of divine grace, we are deeply awakened. There is this innate insurmountable joy and divine love that we inhabit for all sentient beings. We become One with the creations and the Creator. We honor this life. We bow to the divine calling. We become unstoppable. We do not lose time. We act intentionally devoting our life, service and consciously choosing this expansive life with love and grace. Thank you divine grace for this calling. Namaste!
Posted at 16:50h, 11 NovemberWe bow to divine calling and become unstoppable. This is so beautiful and simple. I take this to mean that it’s easier if I get out of the way and stop my resistance. I can either be my worst enemy or my greatest saviour, there is power in that realization.