01 Aug Destruction of the old paradigm
There are templates of the old paradigm within us, like behavior patterns we have inherited from our childhood that we still carry on to our adulthood. These tactics remain within us and get triggered when we are around situations that remind us of the past coping mechanism. We are unconscious that we keep repeating the same behavior and it is a cycle of distractive chaos. This particular behavior will remain in our generations to come if we do not stop and fully realized our contribution to the chaos.
If we see others us our mirror, we will distinguish what is the common denominator of this situation. When we keep reacting to the other person, we are not growing and learning new ways of living consciously. How can we evolve as a living entity in our enlightened state of mind? How do we help our future generations to be fully conscious? We have to start now, what we are doing to co-create conflicts? How we can heal this hidden wound of the past?
Our ego holds the lower vibrations of separation. It acts separately from love. This co-create pain and suffering. We are unconscious to this because we live from the past pain and story. We are imprinted in our illusory mind of the hidden pain. The pain lingers and like a bacteria, it ruins our souls. This is the state of the wounded soul. Broken, unconscious and lives in the past story of suffering. We are beyond victim hood, we are here to anchor new vibrations of love. Together we can co-create a new way of living with our higher self.
Steps in living a conscious life:
- Know the problem, what is the pattern? The problem is the solution. When we acknowledge and stop to reflect. We can only find the solution if we know what we are dealing with. Do not escape, resist or deny. These actions are coming from fear. We are here to create a lighter way of living.
- Look at the past, find the same behavior and emotions that carry the same vibrations. This is the root cause of this behavior. We are clearing this from that timeline. When we get injured, or traumatized a fragment of our spirit left with that story and we get stuck. We become broken or wounded. We forget to claim back our power in the present moment. We act broken, we remain in the past story.
- Clearing of the past by forgiving the other person and letting go of the story. When we withhold love, we are contracted. Love cannot exist in shadow. We have to start from a new template of living. To be enlightened is to be living in the present moment. The new rebirth of our conscious living. Present, conscious and loving.
- We are powerful human beings, we can deconstruct and recreate a new rebirth of the soul. Our consciousness is evolving. We are here to co-create a divine coded life with our higher self. Together we can live a peaceful state of mind, starting from within. We cannot co-create a new world if we have not done our own clearing.
- Opening our heart chakra and helping others through service will create a better world. We have to allow this flow of love. Not resisting, attached to the outcome but truly being a free spirit. To be generous of our love and compassion to others. To be kind starts within. When we are able to love ourselves unconditionally we are able to give this love to others. Start within. Silence our chaotic mind. Meditate and let the higher frequencies of Light infuse us with love, joy and peace in our hearts and mind.
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