05 Nov Deep Intimate Relationship
Having deep intimate relationship with someone has nothing to do with sexual act. This is the misconceptions of our society. We can create this deep intimate relationship with another soul by being open, vulnerable and non-judgemental.
Creating a deep intimate relationship with another person can be confusing when we are not aware of our unconscious beliefs. We can get confused with what true intimacy meant? What is deep intimacy with someone feels like? It has nothing to do with sex, gender or other misleading opinions of others.
Deep intimacy is about sharing vulnerability with each other, the naked truth. Baring our souls, beyond gender, sex and taboo that our society had put upon us. We are free spirit beings that chooses to co-create deep intimacy without paying attention to what others opinion of us. We choose who we want to co-create. Our souls are destined to dance this life. We mirror for the highest good of all sentient beings. We let go of egoic mind, pride, and separation. We feel at one. One in spirit.
Our egoic mind is limiting ourselves from creating this beautiful love within and with others. Sharing our truth and deep shadows with another person is our safe zone. We build trust and respect for each other’s unique experiences of life.
To unconditionally love the other person without judgement is beyond this world. To share your darkest night of the soul is a catalyst to illuminate. There is no need to hide and nothing to be afraid of. Our perceptions are coming from the filter of fear when we hide something from the other person. It is love that can bring us back to what is important in life.
It is the direct compass to our truth and existence. Only love can feel expansive, and there is no judgement from each other. It is the illusion of the mind that constricts and repressed, it is never love. Love is like an open field of grass, vibrant, resonating with life itself. It is full of hope, light and growth that will help in our limitless expansion. We are guided by this Light and love is the energy of this luminous Soul. The grid of love is our higher frequencies that we emit and this joyful triumphant energy with divine grace. Becoming you, embodying you with the spark of this radiant Light.
We have forgotten this grand presence of being and utmost beauty within each of us. The love that is still, comforting and knowing that all is well. All we need is here. All is here.
We are one in this flow of life. Co-creating what had been mysteriously inherent within. With each sparks of love, we commit to the ineffable presence of divine. This insurmountable, indescribable feeling of knowing in each fabric of our existence, we exist with love. This harmonious rhythm patterns of existence, which one thread of fabric that correlates with the universal mind of the universe. Deep within these patterns we belong, we are here to bear witness to this motions of rippling love. We are one.
From my deepest experience of the twin flame is about these two people that embodies love. From ancient timelines, they were together and chose to incarnate and meet again in this lifetime to assist each other in their dark nights of the souls. To help elevate our consciousness, we co-create the space of healing our souls and the collective. We become one embodiment of divine both masculine and feminine energies.
Deep intimacy is in soul level. We cannot put a label to this relationship but it transcends limitation and restraints. It has no agenda to be validated by others. We become a strong force of love for each other. We bond through the darkest and we illuminate it with pure divine Light of love for all sentient beings. We are One unified consciousness. Together we can co-create heaven on earth, be at peace and your soul companion is bound to come.
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