19 May Death of the Ego
In this lifetime we will come across crossroads, this path will give us access to where we are heading. It is narrow, no one is allowed to be a coward, we either face this or not. We keep repeating the same old pattern that we are familiar with. This is the calling of our death to the ego.
Listen to the spirit that beckons our new path. It is very near to our hearts. It speaks volume about our transitions, from the past into the new frontier of our lives. The seeds had been planted into the garden of our mind. We need to pull these weeds out in order to appreciate the beauty of the garden. But perhaps, it is the chaotic disarray, mindless arrangement of life that will bring beauty within us.
It is in this space of not knowing what holds bright for us. It is this path of unfiltered moments that will bring treasures in our destination. Our souls are calling us to return home. Like a bird in a cage, constantly singing to be freed. Without this freedom, we are suffocating from our own voice. One by one, we realized that we are never content. What matters is the spirit of love. This love that we inherently discover as we thread along this human path. What is keeping us at bay is this small self, desperately seeking to be right over others.
There is no right or wrong, this is the forbidden fruit of the fall of human beings. In genesis of life and myth we are yet to discover that we were always creating from stories that can shine love or cast fear. The false identification of self is the notion that we are somehow separated from others. There is no separation, we are always at one with others in energy, sufferings and elation of the spirit. We are one collectively ascending into one unified field of our soul’s hologram.
What is ego? This is an entity that resides within the mind of our existence. It exists from our collective unconscious that had been imprinted within the human genome. You are carrying this within you to feel that you are bigger than this body. Perhaps it is a false identification with your soul. It is so loud that you cannot discern the difference between spirit and ego.
The mind that thinks there is separation between you and me is the trickster. This ego pretends to be big, self -preservation is the purpose of this entity. It is a part of us to survive, to belong, to be validated and to feel special. These are the pretentious acts of the ego, because indeed we do not need to be validated or to preserve our lives. We are magnificent beings of Light. We are so powerful that we are able to co-exist with all that is.
How can you discern ego from the spirit? When you feel at one will all that is, inner peace is attained. This space of our sacred unification within our body, mind and spirit is the home of our soul. The death of the ego is the rebirth of our soul. We are anchoring this ego within us, to feel that it does not need validation from oneself or others.
The soul is now home to know that we are bigger than this life. There is no defense to make, no alienation, no duality but just this moment where time stand still. This sacred space is the stillness of the heart, totally surrendering to the divine calling.
There is a deeper understanding of the Self, the small ego becomes expansively aligned with the divine purpose. We are co-existing in nature, at one with all sentient beings. Death of the ego is nothing but a transmutation of false self. This entity merges with the spirit, unmasking the veil of separation.
All creations great and small is at one with the universe. We are one in the holographic matrices of our creativity. All things that exist in our physical reality are creations from within. We are the vessel of this flow. We are drops of water in the vastness of the ocean. The ebb and flow of our emotional body resonates with the lunation of the moon. We are one, flowing in the unchartered territory of our souls.
There is no room for the ego to stay, we only allow the voice of our spirit to soar like an eagle. This eagle’s spirit is looking over our perspective in life. The eagle will take us in its wings to fly high, in its majestic wonderment. We nestled in its safety, we feed our souls journeys to endless, limitless bounty of love. We are dead in our mindless activity of the voices in the head. We are here to trajectory co-create a new territory of this paradise. The new earth, is here at home at last.
The soul had a rebirth, it is safe, protected and loved. Our sacred walks together are always leaving footprints in the sand. Where time stool still, ascending each fragments into the boundless existence of our souls. We are home, aho!
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