15 Jun Death of physical body
I was facing griefs and death of a dear student. I asked the Source, “why did I signed this sacred contract?” There is a part of me that wants to let go of this calling. Because it is heavy in my heart and it caused me so much pain to see others sufferings.
To guide others in accessing their Akashic Records is a divine intimate act with others and the Source. Because I am touching the souls of people, it is raw and vulnerable. We are dealing with the dark nights of the soul that caused the deep wounds that they had been carrying throughout their lifetime.
This path of healing is only for the courageous souls who are willing to face their inner demons. Slaying those shadows that did not serve the soul and completely opening and surrendering to the divine’s will. I was experiencing sleepless nights and I know that my soul was restless. I needed to find solace. To see the bigger picture on how I can integrate this work without feeling this downward spiral of the spirit.
The answer was given to me, death of the physical body is the portal to the soul. This is given, so my work with healing the soul can be a catalyst for the physical body to find solace within and free themselves of their sufferings. I experienced this many times with clients and even with the death of my own son. Theo asked me to open his Akashic Records the night before his comatose.
It is not as easy task to be the catalyst or gateway of the death of the body because it accompanies griefs, sorrows and sufferings. But I have to finally integrate and face the fact that the death of the body is a given component when the soul is ready to go back home to the Source. I have no control over the physical death. I find this as a blessing to be able to help the soul to transition in the Light.
Our death of the physical body is another form of illusion as we know the absolute truth is nothingness, emptiness and non-duality. That means we are spirit in natural state, our body is a form of illusion. We are not our body, we are eternal souls. I was saying this to my girl friend that if we can only perceive that when someone dies they never really left. They just became their Light body, they remain present with us because we are omnipresent like the Source. When we die, our spark of Light goes back to home which is Light. Our Light body is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. We are fractals of the creation and the Creator. We are one, interconnected to all that is.
But a person had to go though a deep contemplation and grieving process before they can attain this perception. It is a form of detachment from our old paradigm. We are being activated as galactic beings losing our attachments to the physical world. We are becoming pure awareness and the observer of our creations. Fully conscious, detached to the drama and elevated with our higher consciousness anchored into our body.
Once again I am reminded of the shift of my own inner perceptions to be able to continue the service that I had signed in for. To be fully conscious of my sacred contract with the soul. To be a clear conduit of divine’s wisdom and grace. To integrate that the death of body is the portal to the soul. That this is a part of the soul’s journey, there is nothing I can do or control. It is not in my hands, these circumstances are destined. It is in surrendering that I find inner peace and solace. I am humbly honored that I was given this blessing to guide the soul back home. Return to home, my dear Raj. You are a bright Light!
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