22 Oct Darkness in the world
In the middle of the night, I was awoken. I found myself sending love to a particular soul not knowing why? This is the world of a light worker. You are at service anytime the soul calls you. It felt like an arrow hits your heart and you thought of this person, you feel their pain and the only way you feel release is through love and Light.
In these times of darkness, there is an uprising of hidden shadows. They are here lurking like a thief in the night. The lost spirits attach themselves to people who have lower vibrations like sadness, grief, anger, depression, shame, guilt, insecurity and many others lower emotional frequency. The underworld and spirits that are restless are hungry to feed and settle in these people’s bodies. These entities are attracted to people who are addicts, alcoholics and broken. As an example, when the person is loaded with alcohol; the vessel or body is not in alignment with pure spirit. It is contaminated and this attracts the spirit of darkness.
People who are burdened and vibrating in the victim consciousness. Sometimes they would be consumed helping others thinking they are doing a great deed. But they are suffering themselves because they are not helping with their Higher Self. When you are focus and centered with the divine thread, you are in a mission. Your soul’s purpose is directly guided to assist in the collective awakening of the all sentient beings. You are not consumed with human victim consciousness. You are in this world, but not of this world. You are receiving higher guidance without being burdened by people’s sufferings. In a sense you see the bigger picture of why people are suffering and how you can help without getting yourself burnt. But to serve the divine is to take care of your own consciousness and be at one with all that is.
Protection of your energetic fields and consciousness is a must in these tumultuous times. To simplify this is to know your self. When you are emotionally drained, attached or consumed with lower vibrations you attract these entities. When your thoughts are not pure or thinking of others in harmful ways, you closed your heart and unable to love others. This is a perfect target for lost spirits to enter you. That is why, it is important to be awaken, aware and fully conscious of your body, mind, heart, spirit and soul. Your awareness will protect you from any attachments, cords, hooks and drains.
Fear is the roots of shadow, we are unconscious of this when we are in conflicts. We blame others, project and only see the faults of others. We become victims. But underlying these layers, is fear. It can be fear of being alone, the unknown, failure, success, insecurity, abandonment and many other unconscious negative beliefs and imprints of our DNA, ancient lineage and bloodline.
In mental health, most depressed people remain depressed in the western world. They take anti- depressants, the mental health team takes care of these clients but do not address the spiritual world. The psychiatry can only address the symptoms and not take care of the root cause in the spiritual dimension. We are energetic, multi-dimensional beings we can only become holistically healthy when we are aware of our true essence.
The energy medicine is an important factor of our wholesomeness. Mental health is necessary part of our whole being. Without proper approach spiritually, this can become a space of illusions where suicide can take place. The implant that is within the psyche of the client needs assistance in clearing the energy fields. This can be cleared with a spiritual healer. To release blockages in the chakra energy centers and fill in the void with love and Light. Seeing the bigger picture of your life and opening your Akashic Records to rewrite the records of victimhood. Empowerment is here when you have done the work. Investing in your soul’s wholesomeness. People are consumed with materialism. They are attached to money and materials. They are backwards, money is more important than the soul’s health. They rather keep their money or investment than see a spiritual healer because they are unconscious of their existence and values. They are insecure and have unconscious negative beliefs that withhold them from seeing a spiritual healer. We are living in such a dark world, that you need spiritual direction. Without this guidance, you are going to co-create this karmic life. You are bonded in the dark. Divine Light is your intervention. This is precious that can only come from a pure hearted living spiritual director. Have discernment when going to someone because even this self- proclaimed healers have their own darkness. As long as you are in this human suit, you can easily become manipulated by the restless spirits if you are not consciously doing the work.
How can you tell a true spiritual healer from a false one? Look at the fruits of their lives. When they are authentic, simple and have no attachments. They are free spirited and have no judgement about others. They are happy and heart centered. They live and breathe the divine grace. You can feel their authenticity, both human and divine living harmoniously in this world.
We all need divine direction, we can be easily lost and we get confused when we are in the dark nights of the soul. Open your eyes, be true to yourself and prioritize your soul’s health. Things are not important, you cannot bring them with you when you leave this world. You soul is a living entity that lives eternal. You want to make sure that your soul vibrates in a higher consciousness when you leave this domain to continue in eternity surrounded by benevolent beings of Light. Namaste!
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