18 Oct Dakini’s message
The energy field consists of paradoxical point of views and perceptions, lower and higher frequencies. It is not only positive but also negative ions that creates a coherent vibrations such as yin and yang. We need to have discernment in order to be true to ourselves. Others can camouflage their true essence by their insecurity to who they truly are. They are not aware of their deceitfulness, pain and judgement. Others become triggers to what they have not faced and accepted about their shadows. Running away from your own shadows can be a spiraling cycle of the underworld. Like snakes crawling in its domain, shedding layers of skins is potent to transformation. We as humans need to let go of these emotions and mental imprints of our reptilian brain. To be a fearless warrior in “kali yuga,” we need to constantly remind ourselves of what we are putting or imprinting in our intentions, thoughts, emotions, words and actions that tapped into our universal data bank or the Akashic Records.
Do not be confused with scattered thoughts of others and opinions. Do not be consumed with adoration of others. You do not need others opinions or beliefs to show this to you. You contain the hidden treasures of the universe. When you listen and fully dedicate your life to the spirit, you receive the answers. The teacher that creates a church can be misleading by their egoic stance. They become full of ego, forgetting the true essence is being an authentic human and divinely inspired by the soul. This can be a huge downfall of these gurus. They have placed their wisdom as their own doing but forgotten that they are the conduits to share these messages to the collective with purity.
Being a channel is a huge responsibility, that you do not take it lightly. You are being called to die to your ego and be a true conduit for the transformation of the world. Your creations are the fruits of all your incarnations in the multiple timelines and dimensions. You are co-creating these eminent manifestations in your world. The essence of your life integrated the wholesomeness of pure divine essence. The nectar of this fruitful action is the treasure of the hidden knowledge passed beyond generations.
I am here to support and guide you with clarity not to lose your purity and humility. You are doing this work to assist in the collective awakening of humanity. It is not to collect people that follows you but to be a true free spirit with integrity and authenticity. Being true to yourself and what you are receiving is the eternal gift for your mansions of light. These are the compartments of sacred knowledge, wisdom and treasures that you have accumulated merits that you have planted in the collective clouds of thoughts. Your intentions for the mass awakening of humans are brought to our attention all the way to the highest summit of the Himalayas mountains. We are pleased to all the invocations that we receive like wild flowers in the dessert. These sacred gifts are sweet whispers in our ears. We hear all the sufferings of the humans and we are here to elevate these and turn them into golden liquid light that will permeate your cellular level of consciousness. As a collective representative of the Dakinis, we are watching all of you who are called in this resonance of vibrations. The frequencies of compassionate wisdom is upon you. Received with open mind, body and spirit to fulfill your sacred work for the collective. Each one of you have a dharma or purpose written in the wind.
The wind will carry you like the dragon in its flight, you will feel the protection of these grand masters of your planet earth. These are ancient ancestors and beings that stayed in this realm. They carry ancient wisdom, strength and power to assist you in accessing your ancient Records. This divine blueprint will help you in understanding the higher frequencies of your human suffering. It will help you lighten up in mundane experiences of humanity. It will unfold to you the truth of hidden knowledge. Your history becomes galactic, infinite potential and limitless. You will gain humility in every steps that you take. You breathe with gratitude and appreciation for the blessings that are bestowed upon you. You become a tuning fork for higher frequencies of the universal songs of the cosmos.
The element of fire is the ignition of your heart chakra. It helps you lighten up in times of darkness. It reminds you to transform and alchemize any lower vibrations that you have tapped. Like the dragon’s breathe of fire, it is powerful to let go of old templates that you have been participating from. You are a dragon emissary. You are encoded with these keys and codes. It is time to wake up the dragon within you. It is this fire that will bring the new rebirth of yourself. Be illumined with the power of the dragons.
The element of water holds the frequency of your vibrations. Your intentions when placed in the water become the coherent signature of this element. You are the creator of these imprints. You are able to use this powerful conduit of water within and around you. The vast ocean is here as your sacred recharger to remind you of your expansion. You are encoding the water of the seas when you send these intentions of healing, cleansing all human from their sorrows and cleaning their auric fields with purity. Like an anti-biotic the salty water of the ocean is your purifier. Detox with her strong waves and feel your body becomes a light conduit for others.
Mother earth is a pure portal for grounding all the toxins and heaviness that you have been carrying for eons of lifetimes. It is time to come back to earth and feel your strength through this earthing rituals that you need to implement into your being. To come back to earth is to recharge your elements and properties to homeostasis. To balance your energetic body and planetary body. To integrate, balance and align the spirit and physical bodies. Earth is your portal of healing, within you are the elementals and chemicals that hold your existence. Honoring where you come from and joyfully rejoicing in her majestic ground is profound in your incarnation. The support of the crystal kingdom is so necessary in your ascension. The crystals help amplify your expansion into your multidimensionality. It helps create your harmonious field with colors, light and frequencies into a higher vibrations. You are the miracle worker that will heal others and the world that you are dwelling. Be attune to these higher frequencies of love, joy and light. Together the Dakinis are here to support your ascension and free you from sufferings. We are always here to be a filter of light for your path. Om Mani Padme Hum.
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