05 Sep Creating a high vibratory frequency
Creating a high vibratory frequency
Creating a high vibratory frequency around and within you will help you filter the egoic mind and illusions that create fear-based thoughts and emotions. How can we maintain and sustain this new template of our galactic human hybrid? These are the steps that I practice and create around my life and surroundings. People can create an entanglement that unconsciously hooked you into lower vibratory state of consciousness. Let us be vigilant and fully aware who we allow in our consciousness. Letting go of stories that do not enhance or assist you in your highest potential. Asking questions can direct you to the answers that you want to understand. Your state of mind must be clear like the crystal quartz. Clarity, grounded in truth, equanimity in disposition, inner peace and joy are the aspects of life that will help you in discerning what you need and what are the things to let go.
10 Steps in creating a higher vibratory frequency:
- Create a sacred space around you. By lighting a candle helps you dissipate the darkness, it attunes you to the light of the Masters. Closing your eyes, meditate and be grateful for all your blessings when you wake up. Feel the love in your heart chakra and breathe. Stay in stillness. Letting go of the incessant thoughts in your head and just be, be still. Knowing that you are always guided, protected, and loved.
- Smudge and clear your home with Palo Santo or sage. Clear any negative entities in your home, invite the benevolent beings around you and your home for protection. Detox from harmful substances. Eat healthy with vegetables and fruits.
- Open your Akashic Records and journal with the messages that you are receiving and share them to your tribe or community.
- Connect to nature, walk in the forest, swim in the ocean or lakes, talk to your plants, and love your pets.
- Earthing, (walking in nature and connecting without your shoes) with the electromagnetic fields of mother earth. She is our healer. Grounding your electricity helps you in your kundalini awakening.
- Practice self-love, compassion, kindness and gentleness towards yourself and others.
- Be thoughtful of others, ask how you can support and send healing light and love to those who need them.
- Surround yourself with crystals, connect to them and create relationship with crystal deva spirit. They are here to assist us in our ascension process. Helping us harmonize with the elemental spirits and creating synchronicities of manifestation for our highest good.
- Call upon your spiritual teams and guides. Listen to their messages and act on them. Any opportunities to change the direction of your life towards joy and contentment. To be of service to others.
- Give to others without expectations in return. Your generosity of the heart creates a rippling effect of abundance. Stay grounded with your open heart and mind. Think expansively, connect to the star ancestors and be humble in what you do. We are all one.
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