12 Oct Cosmic channel
“Supreme Consciousness is the source, substance and form of the cosmic weave of life. The spiritual current that eternally flows through and connects every dimension of that unified fabric of oneness is Shakti, the divine thread. It is the power of the luminous stillness and presence inherent within everything, and on which all immanent and incarnate aspects of each individual is like a strung like jewels on a sacred filament.”
(The Divine Thread the stillness Sutras
by Swami Khecaranatha)
These sacred words touched me to the core of my being. Within me, the words reverberated to my soul. I reflected, meditated and memorized each sacred word. I etched this sutra in my cellular memory, never to be forgotten.
It gave me inner peace, liberation from egoic mind, and power knowing that I am in alignment to the Source of all that is. I am a part of the cosmos, creations and manifested expression of the divine. The fire of Shakti that ignites my engine to serve humanity in our evolution of consciousness is a divine grace.
It confirmed to me that I am in the flow of the universal energy. Interconnected to all sentient beings, creations and unseen. My internal landscape is like a mirror of what I see. There is only love that exists within us. Every individual contain this seed of Light, it is time to shine.
There is no separation, fear or shadow. This is the unified consciousness of our collective. We are like jewels strung on this sacred space. We are in this conscious universe. Living multi-dimensionally and highly aware of our sacred presence. To incarnate right here in this time of “Kali Yuga” is to be a strong avatar for Light consciousness to descend upon us.
We came here as warriors of Light, to bring in the Golden Age that we want to co-create with others. We are here to share and remind others who are asleep of their true essence. We carry this star seed light codes within, awakening every cellular and Akashic DNA; the records of our existence. When we remember our true essence, we become fully conscious of our purpose in this incarnation. We gather all Light workers to support this collective awakening.
To ignite the Shakti, the Divine Thread within our vertebra or spine. We are here to help raise the lower vibrations of humanity. To help us anchor and descend the Higher Self within us. It was foretold from sages, mystics and prophets of eons of lifetimes about our collective awakening.
We are here to awaken this ancient knowledge of oneness and compassionate wisdom. Let us continue to shine this pure Light within each of us. Vibrate in a higher frequency of love, compassion, peace and Light.
Still the mind, practice meditation and share compassion for all sentient beings. We are one vessel of love and Light. All thoughts that we keep have to vibrate in a high frequency of oneness. All words that we utter speak of love and harmony. All actions have to be rooted in compassion and courage to be in the Light
We are in crucial times of darkness, we need each other to shine this cosmic Light for all human beings. Together we are given assistance by the Masters of Light. They are here with us when we ask for assistance. Let us totally surrender any chaos or conflict within our systems. And be open to receive divine intervention.
Listen to the signs of times, repeating numbers whenever you are receiving activations and accelerations of your consciousness. Be fully conscious of all that is. Be aware of your monkey mind and keep the love energy within. In times of chaos, be centered and pay attention to Light. Have a strong discernment where you spend your time, energy and presence. You are being guided every time you listen to the universal signs. You are the channel of this healing Light, messages and guidance for the collective. You are the vehicle of Light and love. Others who are resonating with your presence will be magnetized to you. Be present, honor and respect others for their own soul’s journey. Everyone is in its own journey, there is no judgement in this unified consciousness. Release any thing that does not serve your highest good and all sentient beings.
You will know the answer within and it is your conscience that gives clarity. You cannot run away from your responsibility. Integrity will be your directions. Follow the Light. There is too much noise in the waves of vibrations. You choose to be still. Connect with others who are awakened for support. Be vulnerable, open your mind and heart. Be true to your own self.
Integration of your shadow and light is a part of the process. Knowing your past incarnated lives, brings you clarity to upgrade your healing. Being able to release karma and clear this in your current lifetime. There are layers of healing that will happen, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. These aspects of your being has to be align to manifest your Higher Self within this incarnated self.
As we ascend within and raise our vibrations, we affect others. We create rippling effects in the universal energy. Our collective awakening is palpable. Let us be one within and connect to the highest potential of your lifetime. In this integration of your Higher Self you will feel the oneness with the cosmos. You awakened the light codes of ascension. You become the Light of this universe. Be at one with your self. Be in joyful state of mind. We are One.
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