19 Aug Collective Trauma
Collective Trauma
This week was hard. I had experienced death of my cat Buddha, death of Guru Jagat, euthanasia of my patient and now death of my son’s friend. Where do I start? Buddha’s death triggered me of my son’s death. I did not realize that I had some unhealed emotions regarding pulling Theo’s life support in 2017 but at that time it was necessary as we opt for organ donation. Having this procedure takes a lot of time sensitivity and right timing. Did you know? If the person did not die within 2 hours after the life support was removed, the organs are not deem viable. So in order to have a successful organ donation this has to take place. We were fortunate to be able to help others when Theo decided to die within 2 hours. I would just say, it was divine perfect timing!
For some reason, I felt I needed to spend some time with Buddha my cat, I opt not to put him down right away. I wanted to do rituals, purging, cleansing and allowing us to bond and say things more. Deep healing unfolded, unconscious of what it was going to bring. I tapped into my deepest pain which is my sexual abuse. I found myself in possession of the “Femme Fatale” archetype. People around me was not able to understand what is happening with me. I started taking off my clothes and went to nude beach. It did not stop there. I announced it to social media and was bare naked.
What was happening was deep profound healing of my life. It is like a metaphor of baring your soul naked. Literally I was discovering deep layers of trauma. The body is a host of traumatic events that we accumulated in this lifetime and other timelines. It is passed on through generations and our body is like a map of all our collective traumas. Woah! That is a lot to take, thinking you are only uncovering your own trauma and yet it is actually collective.
How can I even start this communication without pausing for a breath? Breathe deep and this will help you clear your mind and create an openness. This space that I want to co-create with you. You can feel this trauma in your body. It is like this heaviness, you carry in your shoulders, neck and chest. I felt this last night when I received the news about a tragedy. My son’s friend was missing for few days, I had a vision of him in the Fraser River the other day. And yesterday I found out that he was found in the Fraser River. I was shocked. He was communicating with me. Today I woke up from a dream with my dead people, My Mama, Papa and Theo. They were coming to my dreams like a story. My Mama was telling me about euthanasia, and my son was waiting for me with his girlfriend in the car. Dreams are so prophetic. As I recapitulate with these dreams, I started listening to Peter Levine who is a profound Somatic healer. I have been studying his works and how it help me ground this deep healing of my body, mind and soul.
I live my life like a movie. I go with the flow of life, with all these new cast of actors in my field. My clients that come for healing, students and patients in the nursing home. It is like a movie unfolding with these characters to be able to write books of transformation and different angle of perceptions on how we see life. I realized that we are full of polarities and dichotomies. Like the study of archetypes, we have shadow and light.
The main ingredient of living a balance life without losing your marbles is being an observer of the drama, not taking anything personal, seeing life with light at the end of the tunnel, seeing life in a bigger picture, non- judgement, relaxing into what is presently unfolding, and most of all is being present. We only have this time now to act with multi-timelines existing spontaneously in parallel universes. What are we doing at this present moment?
Prioritize your divine mission! Why did you incarnate here? It has nothing to do with materials or accumulation of wealth or knowledge, it has something to do with the “shakti” your fire. That burning desire to help or serve others. In whatever form or action that you do. This is how I see life. I see it as living videos of my creations with others. I have trajectories of what I want to co-create. The main ingredient of this is LOVE.
When we see things as light then we are in the highest vibrations of our collective. Trauma is an accumulated injuries of our wounds of the souls. Collectively we co-created this in our unconscious. Your life is a blueprint in the Akashic fields. You incarnate with your DNA, ancestors bloodline and the collective consciousness. Whatever timeline you exist is where you are going to anchor your future trajectories. Living in the present moment is like you driving a car with an open tunnel traversing towards that light in the end of the tunnel. The light is where you are headed, that is the home of our soul. We come from this source of light. We incarnate to experience being human. Being human is like an experiment. We keep repeating the same cycles of karma. This is what the karmic wheel is like. Ups and downs of our lives, our unconscious state of mind and burden that we all each participate in our society. Our tragedy is never personal, it affects the whole community. It sends ripples of waves in our collective.
Suicide and euthanasia is a huge taboo in our collective. Until we understand the roots of this pain for everyone without judgements we cannot feel at peace in our collective. When my own son passed away via suicide, I lost my judgements. I realized that the core pain of losing someone do not justify me of any of my own judgements. I relinquished this in my vocabulary. Who am I to judge someone’s predicament? I felt at peace with the world. I felt at home in my own skin. I realized that we all have the same skin, black, white, brown no matter what color is the same skin that holds our spirit. This spirit binds us into ONE.
We are energetic, vibrational, electro-magnetic beings of light. Each one of us. When trauma hits us, we all feel the pain. It is happening now in our collective. But how can we participate in this collective pool of trauma without lowering our vibrations? One step at a time. It is a process of understanding yourself. It starts with your Akashic Records. This collective information of your soul’s journeys will help you eliminate the clutter that you had accumulated in many lifetimes.
A lot of people are not living inside their body. When we have trauma, we disassociate to avoid the pain that we are experiencing. We cannot force healing. It takes layers of unfolding the suffering in order to heal. True healing is being gentle with yourself. We are responsible for our choices. It is a deep healing process. We give time to reconcile our lost fragments. We lose our spirit when we are traumatized, it gets stuck in our cellular level. Our body is our map of where we had gone. This traumatic injuries can be uncover once we are ready to face our pain.
We receive triggers when we are not wholesome. We keep denying this pain. It becomes an endless cycles of suffering, lonesomeness and griefs. We want to open our collective to a new way of seeing trauma. Trauma connects us. It has underlying healing component when we start communicating about our deepest longing to love. The root of trauma is fear and survival. We have been harming our collective for all those unconscious ways of living that our ancestors have given us. The survival mechanism of our brain leads us to competition and separation. When we bypass this way of coping mechanism, we open our mind and hearts to collective healing. Then we can see the shifts in our own personal life. We become a web of conscious living entities in mother earth choosing to support others in their traumas and assist them in feeling wholesome once again.
The wounds and layers of trauma:
- Disassociation from our body, a way of denying the present reality.
- Using medicines like alcohol, sex addiction or other related coping mechanism to deny or numb the pain
- Invalidation, unworthiness and feeling of insecurities in many aspects of our being
- Thinking that it is a shame to ask for help
- Losing our voice to speak the truth
- Unable to fully become present in our conversation
- Fragmented spirit
- Unable to forgive others and self
- Unable to be authentic and show our own self
- Powerlessness
- Unable to accept ourselves
- Projections, criticisms and judgements about others
- Body shame and self-hate
- Unable to move forward, stuck
- Co-dependency
- Constriction, playing small
- Depression, alienation or isolation
- Uncontrolled anger
- No clarity and ungrounded
- Scarcity or lack
Steps in healing your wounds:
- Consult a spiritual healer, you need someone to guide you through the process of deep healing.
- Allow the support and love of others, receiving openly to heal your heart, body, mind and spirit.
- Be in nature, spend time with yourself.
- Ground yourself, let go of thoughts that harm you. Be present.
- Nurture your body with healthy ways of eating and exercising.
- Helping to boost your nervous and immunity systems.
- Let go of news and social media. Consume and know what is needed and let go focusing on your enhancement.
- Surround yourself with positive, light and supportive people. Let go of toxic relationships. Do not drain yourself with drama and confusion.
- Be present, see what is unfolding for your highest good and highest good of all beings.
- Stay humble, simple, pure and compassionate and kind to yourself and all sentient beings.
- One day at a time. Journal with your Akashic Records.
- Be present with yourself and those that surround you.
- Love and see the light for those who are in the dark. Send light and keep shining your pure light.
- Make a difference in the world. Create.
- Be authentic to yourself and others.
- Do not take others opinions seriously. They are insecure.
- Stay open to limitless possibilities.
- Have a strong filter on who and what you allow in your energy fields.
- Speak from the heart.
- Be happy, live juicy and joyful life.
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