26 Apr Challenges are doors for clarity
When we are facing challenges in our life, there are two ways of seeing these doors of opportunities. One way is rooted from fear and separation. This will lead us to anger, pain, suffering and separation. When we are in conflict within, there is a blockage in our creative mind. As the creative mind expands with the universal energy of flow it does not restrict or constraint.
Challenges are important to pave the way for clarity of intention. When our intention is rooted from love and oneness, we co-create with the divine mind. Doors of opportunities have two main functions to open or close. Challenges can be seen as an opening something bigger than our mind can grasp. This is the state of expansion. When you look at challenges as doors opening for us, we will find that there is faith beyond what we are experiencing in our reality.
Trusting the divine for all that is unfolding is for our highest good. It is quite difficult to see this when we are coming from fear. It is important to know our foundation, if this is fear then we will experience contraction of mind, body, heart and spirit. It is also a part of knowing ourselves. How far can we go? How deep is our love? These questions will direct us to the missing links in our quest for wisdom. How did we magnetize this in our energy fields? We know that situations can be seen in two polar opposites. Which one will we take? The path of love and Light or the shadows of darkness and separation. There are only two things that can lead us astray or direct us to our highest good and all other sentient beings.
In the stillness of our mind, we will find that there are thoughts that are passing by. Do we feel that these thoughts are real? Are they present? Are the thoughts rooted in fear or love? Sometimes we get caught up in the thinking process and we forget to stop. This gap in between our thought process is crucial if we want to be clear with our present moment. We can be filled with thousands of thoughts lingering in our minds, which can lead to insanity.
Clarity is a focus, a direct guidance from within. When we feel something is not right. We have to stop and ask ourselves “what is my intention in discovering a solution for this challenge?” Our conscience declares what is right and wrong. But confusion can start to mingle when we are not clear of our intention. Our higher consciousness directs us to the highest good of all beings. In order to have a pure intention coming from the heart, we must stop analyzing. Be in the heart space. Feel whatever comes up for you. Ask God or Source to direct you to what is the necessary action to take for the benefit of all beings. We have to co-create a unified intention for the good of all.
We gain clarity of the situation when we stop from thinking and analyzing too much. Feel what is in the heart. Wise decisions are born from the heart. Our conscience is our compass to a Lighted path. Unapologetically we have the right to claim our birthright to state our divinity.
“I am divine, I am love.” This statement acknowledges our union with God, the source of life. With our illuminating Light we see one with the sacred union within ourselves and others. This is the union of our feminine and masculine sacred energies. We invite this within us and see others in the same Light. Because we are at one, there is no separation. Challenges are blockages of our own separation from within. We then recreate this in our energy fields and we magnetize separation but truly there is none. We are one in union with the divine within.
Letting go of the thoughts that will separate us from within. We are here to surrender to the divine path of knowing our own true self. That will lead us to the One Source of love and Light. Into the fire we release our old paradigm, as we burn those old templates, to co-create a new template of our empowered selves. In unison with the divine energies of this sacred union, we are one in the universal creation of our new earth.
When challenges come your way, see it as a sign of integral union with the divine within. This leads us to our true union, we are here to experience this sacred path. Our divine calling is to be at one within. We see ourselves as one with all that is. This is the illumined path of One.
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