31 Dec Blessings of 2023
This year of 2023 so many new things happened for me. I became an owner of Crystal Vibes shop. I have a beloved partner, Milan. I launched two books, Galactic Blueprints and finally published my 7th book Darkness Into Light. I also went into a mental health challenge while I was in the process of finishing my book. I learned to accept that it is okay to be sick because of my deep love and loss with my son Theo. It was ok to be nurtured by others. I visited two powerful vortexes Sedona and Mount Shasta. I was initiated by two amazing Shamans Surama and Dr. Tonya Elliott. I continue to share my gifts of writing to the Sacred Writers group. I taught others how to access their Akashic Records and I had some faithful clients that continued to seek me for their healing. I met a lot of beautiful souls in our crystal shop and started focusing on sharing the crystals gifts in my You Tube and other social media platform. I feel loved by my family and so grateful to see my grandchildren’s growth. I love my soul sisters. My 15 yr old beloved cat Gaia continues to shower me with his kisses. I am growing to share my truth and my heart to Milan. I feel so free from distractions and illusions of the egoic mind. I followed the spiritual guidance of my Masters of Light. Every start of December they prepare and tell me what book I am going to publish for the upcoming year. Next year 2024 is the book about my experiences with the Angels, this book is entitled Angels Activations which will help others in their spiritual journeys. I feel so much love and light in delivering these precious Beings of Light. They are teaching me to be fully human and divine. I feel so blessed to ground and anchor these divine blessings through my work and services. This year 2023, I am a beginner in building a business and intimate relationship with Milan and here are the core lessons that I learned from this partnership.
Lessons about relationship in 2023:
- Unconditional love is loving with acceptance for who the person is with his default and understand where he is coming from. How can I shift my own reality without getting enmeshed with the other person’s story?
- Money is value. Increase my worth and how I value myself and money flows. Respect the other person’s values.
- Relationships is about being true to myself. Boundary is respect.
- Don’t take myself seriously. Everything passes away. Relationship is a mirror of how you treat yourself. I don’t need to please the other person by buying things for him. But listening to what he truly needs make a difference in our lives together. Listening without agenda, but truly opening my mind and heart without expectation. Be happy.
- There is no fear. Love is the core of fear. When I am afraid about losing someone or being rejected, I tend to close and would not speak my truth. It takes time for me to speak, and it is okay. I need my space. It does not need to be resolve right away. Give myself permission to have a space.
- Our business is teamwork, speaking what I want, and desired outcome helps my partner to understand how I see things and our vision for the future is clearer. Sitting down together and planning where we want to put our money helps us to have the same goal.
- Forgiveness is important. Face the fact, open and be free from burden. Life is about growing together, having dreams and future visions for our happiness and adventures.
- Prioritize our happiness, communication and being sensitive to each other’s needs.
- Cultivate other relationships with soul sisters and family members. Love is like gardening; you need to water the soil and nurture the plant. Without paying attention to what is important for me, I can lose these relationships. “I am attentive, loving and thoughtful of my relationships. I live with joy. I share and receive love to myself and others.”
- Take time for myself. Spend time in nature. Write and create what makes me happy.
May 2024 brings a lot of divine blessings into your life. May you live with peace, joy and love in your heart. May you be free from any sufferings. Namaste!
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