31 Dec Being Human and Divine in 2021
What 2020 brought us is our collective awakening to what our true existence is about? People have forgotten that time and energy is limited to this mortal body. This is the only true wealth that we have, without this you will be living life lost and confused to your creations. You act as if you will be here forever, with scattered mind and not having a driven divine purpose life. We forget that we are all going to die in this body. What is your relationships with these dimensions of time and energy? Who are you sharing your precious time and energy with? Are these the people that you want to be with in your deathbed? Dreadful as it may sounds, this is reality. We are mortal in this 3D.
We live in paradoxical world, the true compass is our eternal soul. This is the part that most humans are not conscious of. We are blinded by the things that we see, accumulate and attached ourselves to. These are the things that you cannot take with your soul. Your soul is a vast multi-dimensional being that came here to mother earth school to experience love, forgiveness, compassion, freedom, courage, peace, abundance, joy and many other higher frequencies of limitless potentials of light. But with being human, we were imprinted in our gene pool with fear, sufferings, judgements, manipulations, abuse, control and many other lower frequencies of shadows.
How can we release these old karmic imprints in our souls? This is our work to transcend the lower vibrations and shift into the higher frequencies of light. Without self-acceptance of our shadows we will be in denial of our humanness. Being human is divine. As we all evolve, learn from mother earth, just like the virus that challenged us we are being asked to contemplate what is important to us? To change our ways of seeing our incarnations. We are social beings, we thrive in touch and intimacy with others. We are not alone, when one is hurting we are hurting, because we are energetic beings. The only way that I know to see myself, is to see who are with me and how I see them. I changed my filter from fear of intimacy and separation to unconditional love, from judgement to compassion and I see others with the eyes of love.
My soul is perfect, wholesome, my human is imperfect and broken. But with these two, soul and being human is making me strong enough to live an authentic and courageous life. I used to have a problem with being human, now I am embracing my humanity, without this condition I will not be able to see others with compassion. I became compassionate with myself. I love being gentle, soft and kind to myself. Then I release judgement and being hard on myself. This catapult me to openness. I opened my heart and mind to what the universe is gifting me. I allow others to be intimate with me. I am who I am. With love, compassion and forgiveness for all the things that we put into ourselves and others, let us begin a new thread to greet the new template of 2021. I love you all sentient beings! Namaste!
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