16 Mar Be a sacred space for others
We are in the midst of suffering people, they are going through the dark nights of the soul. What are the light workers purpose? How can we help others in uplifting their burdens? Sometimes we forget that we were also in their shoes, when we were going through the victim consciousness. This is the perfect timing for us to practice compassion. Being a space where they can melt down, feel that they belong, validated and uplifted. You are there to be present. To be a shoulder that someone can trust. You are chosen to be there. A messenger for love and healing to manifest.
Listen to your calling. Be open, to accept someone unconditional and be there as a pure light. Be a portal for true healing to happen. This is a door of opportunity and a divine appointment. No judgement for who they are and what brought them here in a dark space. No matter what appears to you, you become detached to the story of a victim. You become an active listener to be a space for them to come. You are the messenger that God had appointed, to bring them back to who they truly are. They are pure soul that were lost in their emotional roller coaster and negative mental thoughts.
Bringing your league of light, angels and Archangels, Ascended Masters and benevolent Galactic beings of light can help you transmit the highest healing light for others. Do not allow anything that goes out from you that is not harmonious. Remember you are always dealing with a force of powerful Beings of Light in your every breathe. You are a future ascended master. You are here to be a vehicle of light. We are the bridge for others to remember who they are.
The golden portal is opening and the golden light is pouring into our mother earth. Cleansing our light bodies, our veil is lifted and we are accelerating in our evolution of human consciousness. We are being recalibrated to our crystalline body. Preparing us into our ascension and transmission between dimensions. We are transmitting higher frequencies, sacred tones and healing light to assist whoever is sent to us. To illuminate our mind, calm and balance our emotions and uplift our spirit. We are being given clarity, direct guidance and discernment to follow our blissful path of liberation. Freedom from attachment to materialism, having a voice to speak the truth and gaining wisdom from our Masters of Light.
Be a bridge for those who are blind. Be a portal of light like a Light house that shares the light into the darkness. This light will penetrate those who are unable to see. They will find their own way in their own divine timing. To live in light, you need to clear your mind and emotions of lower vibrations. To open more, to be free from any illusions. You are not contaminated by the past, how others hurt or act in the past have nothing to do with your present moment. Withdraw your soul from any victim story. You are a living light inside your body. Live from your soul’s meaningful purpose. You are here, directed and guided to shine your pure Light. This is the spark of God’s love for you.
This fractal of Light is radiating in our electromagnetic fields to attract others who are needing light. When we activate this Light, we become a beacon of Light. Others are drawn to you because they needed your light. Your discernment for boundary is important not to drain your power. You need protection or an invincible cloak of Light from Saint Germain to assist you in your mission. We sometimes forget to use our spiritual tools when we get caught in the drama. We are always supported when we ask. Remember that everything is energy. You can transmute anything that is not serving your highest good and others.
The victim story is a hook. You can assist yourself from releasing your soul from this story. Ask the Masters to help you, “I ask my soul to withdraw from this victim story. This story is done and I am asking the highest version of my soul for my highest good and potential of all beings to be infused with love, grace and ease right here, right now and so be it.”
Feel the lightness of your soul, feel the vibrations of your higher self. Be attune with these higher frequencies of light. Have an open mind and heart to what is being presented to you. Ask that you will always serve to be a conduit for healing. Any lower vibrations will be transmuted by the Violet Flame and the angels of Violet flame be around you. Ask the mighty Archangel Michael and the Blue Ray of Light to protect you and to release any cords, hooks or drains that is not needed in your energy fields. Be free, be love and light to yourself and those around you. Om
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