27 Jun Awareness of multidimensionality
You become aware of your true essence which is the spark of the divine creation. Your spirit is the magnifying force that unifies everything and nothing. You are traversing into multiverses, infinitesimal dimensions of your neurons just like a tree branching out into the space of air. You are a dynamic system that upgrades within, every activation that you are receiving shifts the way you perceive your mundane lives.
The fire in your kundalini system reaches a nexus point in the activation of your neurology. And fires out the sparks in thousands and trillion of cells within you. You are a universe of light sparks. It reconnects you to your expansion. You become a void like a black hole while going through your purification stage. You are infusing your system with love and light as you achieve an inner knowing that you are the universe.
The love and light is the Torus energy that spirals in both opposite sides energetically to fuel your ascension process. It releases toxic and unnecessary lower emotions like fear and suffering. In the motion of counter clockwise, just like the dance of the Sufi mystics, you are reinventing your new timeline. The universe has its divine order and synchronized motions. You are participating in the event of a huge awakening. The awakening of the heart torus, this is the re-emerging of the new hybrid, one that is evolve and realizing that life here on earth is a fractal of many experiences that is happening simultaneously in parallel and alternate universe.
This Torus energy fields is a vortex of your ascended self. Within the new timelines that you are creating, you are expanding the electromagnetic force field of yourself. Attracting new people, realizations and awakenings are here now. This is the wave particles that are high in calibrations towards enlightenment. The limiting beliefs that you have imprinted within your genetics are now being release in the ether and creating new gene codes to help humanity. This in the new generation of evolved beings that are here to implement the upgrade galactic human hybrid.
This new species is the prototype of your revolutionized consciousness . The war within you which is the unconscious state of your mind has now reached its point of realization. This means that you are now functioning in a fully conscious avatar holographic matrix. Your physical domain the 3D matrix is the box in which you are trapped and contain. The infinite universal space Is outside the box is where time travellers are tapping into. Your thoughts are the bridge to enter a new dimension. Once the thought carries the perception of a new vibration, it identifies and becomes a new map of creation.
Creation is a flow of energies. That involves full participation of all your aspects of being. The integration of your wholesomeness will pave the path to highest potential of your evolve soul. Once recognized and acknowledged it attracts things, people and places to your new map of creation. This is the law of vibration that precedes the Law of Attraction. These universal laws of nature are here to guide you in your highest exploration of your higher self. It is unfathomable to others because they don’t understand your language. Language is the means of communication that each being can use as a tool to understand each other. This galactic language activates humans into a different form of hybrids. Meaning you are infusing the higher intelligence of the cosmos. You are beyond this world, you are a multidimensional being that signed for this agreement in your Akashic Records. This is an Important juncture for human species to realize its magnification amplification to the new Golden Era. Light frequencies will be downloaded from the Galactic Federation of Light. In order to help and support the shifts of human consciousness. You are receiving these higher frequencies of light to remember your true essence and light body that is encoded with infinite knowledge and wisdom. Blessings
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