01 Nov Ascended Masters Octave
As I delve deeper into the studies of Saint Germain Discourses, I want to share to others in simplified terms about The Mighty I AM Presence. How can we co-create a relationship with this powerful transmission of the Violet Flame to help consume our earthly creations as humans? The earthly creations are the unconscious state of being of our humanity. Such as war, discords, chaos, sufferings, conflicts, lower vibrations of emotions like fear, anger, doubt, and many other negative thoughts and patterns that we create when we are not in alignment with the I AM Presence.
The Mighty I AM Presence is the part of us that is a spark of God’s light. We all have this within us when we understand the universal laws and how it operates. The Law of One is being at one with the Source of all that is. We must acknowledge that we are powerful magnificent beings of light, a fractal of Source/God that is here on Mother Earth experiencing being human. The I AM consciousness is the alignment of our Higher Self within us. This is the blueprint for the highest manifestation of the best version of ourselves.
Because of our egoic mind, we had forgotten our oneness with the Source and felt that we are separated. This separation is the false identity that we carry like the veil of separation from our Third Eye Chakra. Right now, we are given these divine dispensations to remember our truth and true essence, that we are eternal souls. We are the embodiment of our Higher Self. When we have this alignment within our body, we function from our spirit. We don’t feel alienated or separated from others.
The war that we are seeing right now is a mirror of this separation, as we refocus within and heal this gap, we will shift the human densities of illusion and separation. We are still far from this shift, but we can do it if we pay attention to our own creations and what is unfolding right in our present realities.
When we practice and invoke the I AM Presence in our daily life, we become attune to our true essence. Our realities will be still and peaceful. Because we had attained the wisdom and understanding that we are at one with the Source. Any lower vibrations of negative thoughts and emotions will quickly shift into a higher octave of vibration because we become super conscious of our creations.
Our attention would be focus on the directions of Divine’s love where there is compassion, forgiveness, and kindness. There will be no judgement, fear, or hidden agenda within us. We become light ambassadors. We carry the Perfection, Power, Harmony, Freedom, Opulence of God’s love for us. We become the messengers of truth. There is no unwavering or doubts when you desire for light and truth. The presence of God is the desire, nothing else. Our goal is toward our Ascended Mastery state and the mighty active presence of God within us. The radiance of the Electronic Belt which is the etheric light, will be upon us and such a full force of divine’s love that encircles us for our protection.
We acknowledge God in action within our sacred heart. We ignite this sacred fire and feel the luminosity of our own divine self. We will not be touch by any shadows or chaos. We know that we have the power to transmute through the invocation of Saint Germain and the Violet Flame, we become the alchemist of our own reality.
“There is no power that can penetrate the divine love for me. I am clothed with divine love. I am fearless. The ignorance of the outer self will diminish and full recognition of my God self will prevail as I continue to devote myself to Beloved Mighty, I AM Presence.”
Our human limitations will dissipate when we practice self-discipline. Our focus is towards the Mighty I AM Presence, as we keep ourselves in harmony, maintain self-control and be free from any lower emotions. We become responsible for all our creations. When we attain self-discipline, we reach the heights of our understanding from the realms of light. The expansion of light within your heart, illumines the mind and quickens the vibratory action of divine intervention. The octave of light from the Ascended Masters will bridge the human octave and receive the strength to navigate through the discords of the outer world.
The sufferings of the war had been imprinted from our ancestral lands. The domination and cruelty of humans to each other will only dissipate when we all learn to acknowledge the divinity within us all. It is a great responsibility to be human and divine. We are watching you in all your ways and creations. As you transition your focus and attention to what can be release and ask the power of the consuming Violet Flame of Saint Germain, you will experience a release and freedom from the outer discords of war. You will become a detached observer but a master of alchemy functioning from the power of the Etheric Records. Learning how to anchor this huge transformation of mankind. You can only master your own soul’s journey. And begin to shift the way you perceive the mirrors of your human creations as something that needed a quick vibratory shifts in the Ether/Akash. As a conscious participant in this transition, you have the power granted by these Ascended Masters to assist in anchoring the Golden Light of Christ Consciousness.
This divine grace of love is outpouring right now as you claim your Mighty I AM Presence. This is the powerful bridge to continue the works of the Masters of Light in this dimension. As you flow with the vibratory shifts to a higher frequency of love, wholesomeness and unity. You receive the radiance and illuminating power of your Higher Mental Body to align within your emotions and spirit. Your Higher Self will expand your ways of perceiving and connecting you to the higher octave of the Ascended Masters of light. Be still and spend time with yourself, reclaiming your sovereignty as you witnessed the evolution of mankind towards a higher unison and coherence of light and love. May you be an ambassador and messenger of divine’s love for humanity. Blessings!
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