30 Dec Archangel Metatron’s message for 2020
Archangel Metatron is the mighty creator of the universal Light. He records all thoughts, words, actions and intentions that we as collective have imprinted in the Akash. Metatron is the scribe of the Akashic Records that holds the keys and codes of our soul’s vibrations. We are given this divine grace to understand our mission and purpose in life in this incarnation.
The brilliant light that he emits is beyond compare that vibrate through the Diamond Ray intelligence of mighty Metatron. In ancient times he was the prophet Enoch recorded in the bible to have been taken directly to heaven by God in recognition of his pure heart and soul with prophet Elijah that is known as Archangel Sandalphon. In Atlantis he is the divine Teacher of the community that helps with the creations through sacred geometry, sound, light and vibrations.
Metatron is the angel of sacred presence that sits on the right hand of the divine and hears all meditations and invocations that we do. The Stellar gateway holds the keys to creations and contains all informations of your soul’s code and the many incarnations that you have lived.
Archangel Metatron’s message:
Beloved children of the Light, I am welcoming you to my retreat. Here in the golden light you will remember your divine essence. This truth that you had forgotten once you entered the school of mother earth. You have chosen this planet to anchor back the golden Light of Atlantis. You have now recalibrated your Higher Self into your physical body.
As you become more fully conscious of this integration, you will naturally fall into the progression of your soul’s highest vibrations. Increasing your frequency of Light and entering the Golden lighted Christ consciousness of 2020. These activations will pave your path into your highest good and of all sentient beings.
In this unified field of consciousness, you will see no separation. Your mirror is the one beside you. Listen to what they are delivering to you with open mind and open heart. Do not take things personal but truly recognized their voice. If they are coming from fear and separation, let it be. There is nothing you can do to change this. It is your wisdom that will transcend any separation. You are here to master your soul’s energy.
Your divine intelligence is now being given to shine the purity of your intention. Your heart will speak to you when your energies are not aligned. It will hurt when you are not listening and being kind to your own self. It wants you to value your worth because you are precious in the divine grand creations.
Let nothing disturb you. Flow with the universal love, it is within you. Feel your body, let go of any suffering. You are the master of your emotions. Allow only good positive emotions that will clear your mind. Surrender the pain, this is not yours. It is the collective illusions that your human DNA had been imprinted for eons of lifetime.
2020 will bring in new vibrations of remembering your sovereign presence. You are sacred, loved and honored. I am your scribe for your Akashic Records and I am here to remind you that you hold the keys to your sanctified soul. This is pure divine grace given to those who are worthy of this gift. Open your soul’s divine Records to align what is not vibrating for your highest good. It is all written in your journeys. This time that you are incarnated here in mother earth is about remembering and realigning to what can serve the collective. It is never personal, you are a hologram a collective vessel of the divine. Just like a drop of water in the vast ocean. You create this rippling effect to all that is when you consciously co-exist with the divine knowledge with books of wisdom. Everything that is happening to you is not for you but for the wholesomeness of the human DNA.
It is in understanding this universal law of One that you will realized that you have the eye of Horus. This eye that sees all that is. When things are presented in your presence. It is working for the collective’s attention. Be still, listen with your open mind and heart. Turn it around and feel this in your heart. When was the last time you have not given your self worth and value? When did you take your self for granted? When did you lose your self? What steps are you going to take to create the most valuable time of your incarnation for service? How deep is your faith? When did you give and not received back and more from the universe? Why are you in this current condition? What is your perception leading to? Are you vibrating in high frequencies of love and Light? Did you intoxicate your self with toxic thoughts about others? When are you putting your self as a priority? If you are the universe’s beloved, does the Source of all puts you second in the grand scheme of things? Beloved wake up, this is the perfect divine timing to put yourself first as you are the vehicle of this Golden Light of Christ.
You have more work and service to perform in behalf of the angels. We are here to support you in the awakening of the collective. Get hold of your self and bravely face the unknown. Strengthen your belt of trust and allow us to nurture and nourish your heart and bring you to the most elevated vibrations of human being. To intervene and dispense this great divine knowledge, I am honored that you have invoked my name. I am present beloved.
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