This shimmering crystal is embedded in my heart. On Nov 2017 I had a retreat on my birthday at Harrison Hot Spring. I bought a huge Apophyllite. I got home and my son Theo was sitting in the dining table studying. I hand him this huge crystal. The crystal was sitting in the center of our dining table. Unknowing to me that Theo would pass away that week. I was in deep griefs; this crystal was with me throughout my darkest nights. It helped me cleansed my energy centers. It brought me great memories from my relationship with Theo. It was my healing crystal. It brought clarity to my mind and spirit. I felt supported and the pyramid points brought me to a higher consciousness. It helped me access the Akashic Records and my sacred contracts with my son. It created a sacred space in our home.
On 2019, I thought I was moving to Manila, Philippines and I sold this crystal to a friend of mine. I had a party with my beautiful peeps. That night when I said goodbye to this crystal, I caught myself crying. It brought me tears of gratefulness to our journeys together. After realizing that I am not moving to Philippines, I bought another huge one and gifted it to my daughter’s wedding. It became a tradition for our family to gift them with crystals. My home is always grace with their presence. I feel so fortunate to be chosen by these Record Keepers. If you want to go deeper with your soul’s journeys, have some Apophyllite in your home. You will be blessed.
Apophyllite’s message:
Beloved beings of Light, I am here to support you in your soul’s journeys. Be clear of your divine mission. Let go of doubts and fear. The healing light is upon you always. Sometimes you get distracted of what is important, you think too much. These thoughts can create the walls around your heart. Let go, be free of holding to the stories that brought you pain. It is easier to breathe. Your life is not permanent. You are a transient being of Light.
As you go through challenges, remember that there is the opposite of the spectrum. You are not here to be in the dark. You are here to anchor your bright Light. Illuminate your mind with me. Meditate around me. Touch my pyramids. They are here to take you higher, to your out of body experiences and beyond. Wonder with awe, all things are created in the fields of your thoughts. Have visions and dreams that they are here with you. You are being guided to navigate and learn these tools to thrive, to experience bliss and awe. Be grateful for what you have now. Be blessed and bring blessings to those who are in need. Your divine blueprints are interactive with you. Be the designer of your life. Nothing is insurmountable, all things flow with your creations. Flow with Light. Do not get stuck with what you think. Your mind continues to evolve with the divine mind. You are Divine. The Gods that you pray for are the Gods within you. You are a fractal of all creations. Go beyond your humanity, beyond the galaxies. Think like God with love in your heart.
You are provided for everything that you need. Believe. Trust in the flow of life. Resistance is a way of turning your back from the gifts of the sacred. Be you and the eyes of those who wander will see. You are it. You don’t need to look outside of yourself. It is within. The love and Light of the one is within you. The Akashic Records of your life belongs to the stars. You are here experiencing being human and galactic. You are a star! Blessings!
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