24 Nov Angelic Interventions
As I opened our Crystal Vibes shop, there was a lady checking the oracle cards deck that I placed on our front show case. She entered the shop and I was connecting to her. She asked for the Yellow Banded Calcite shaped in an angel form and wanting to buy this for her aunt who is going through a heart surgery today. I felt the need to give her some Rose Quartz tumbled stone and found out that her aunt has 4 sisters and I gave her 5 Rose Quartz for healing. They were Palestines, my heart sunk when I heard this. As the world is watching their people being abused and killed. As the minutes went on, I met her husband and daughter named Rylie, I knew then that this is an angelic intervention. She then confided to me that her mom just texted her that she liked Theo as a name for her child when she becomes pregnant again. I was shocked as Theo had named their miscarriage baby, Rylie when Theo was 18 yrs old. We were both shocked and was in awe of this circumstances. What a revelation that we live in this powerful protection and existence of the angels. We continued our communication and she had more profound miracles that brought us back to Theo.
As the day went on, I was communicating with my souls sisters who were all concerned about my safety and protection from the cyber bullying that I have been receiving. I kept telling them that this person is mentally ill and that he needs the healing light of all of us. To focus more on the light than the havoc of this entity that resides within him. It is the Mighty I AM Presence that is in our center that we need to understand the works of the shadows. With this Powerful stance you don’t have any fear in your bones. You are armored with the love and light of the Divine Master, surrounded by the angels, Archangels and the Seraphims. Your life becomes a sacred sanctuary when you are align to the Cosmic Beings of Light.
My day was magnetized with the angels that visited me, there was a young lady that bought 10 Angelite tumbled stones! She was going to gift them to her friends who have been with her life for 10 yrs. I was in awe, I carefully put each tumbled stone in a small white pouch wrapped with love and light for everyone. I was experiencing the angels around us, and the angels were pouring their luminous light upon us.
There was a mother that was preparing an Advent calendar for her 6th yr old daughter and bought 24 tumbled stones so she can surprise her daily with these loving crystal beings. I was so happy to find this out and I wanted to also do this for others. What a magical way to spend the Advent Season.
Theo’s 6th year death anniversary is tomorrow and my whole being is experiencing our great loss at this anniversary. But today something is different, my heart is full of love and appreciation to the angels that surrounded me and these moments of profound miracles. Theo is orchestrating these angels! I felt compelled to write these synchronicities that make my heart leap for joy! I wanted to express my deepest gratification that I received when the angels co-create these beautiful moments of love and miracles. I will open the book of angels that I have been writing and continue the journey with these powerful Beings of Light.
We are supported and guided by these angels. When we listen, stop, and let them do the work. We forget to ask for angelic intervention and it is important that we reconnect with them in our daily life. They are here for us, whispering in our ears in moments of sadness, protecting us from danger, opening our heart to love and forgive, illuminating our mind when we are lost in the dark, these messengers of love and Light are powerful forces of Light. We are blessed to believe and experience them. They are here and present, our messengers of love and Light. Like the angels they give us doors of opportunities to connect and commit to the vast expansive Universal energies of love. We are here to anchor their Light. Becoming an earth angel is the most rewarding work of all. You are blessed with Divine Grace. You become a lighthouse for those who seek understanding, knowledge, and wisdom. You are a gatekeeper for the souls who are transitioning to other dimensions. You are armored, with the sword of truth of Archangel Michael and the Blue Ray of Light. Nothing can harm you, you are protected by the enlightened ancestors before you.
As you undertake this huge responsibility of being an ambassador of Light, you are gifted wherever you go with their wings of Light. Open your mind and heart to what is unseen and feel the angels in your heart. The angels reside and speak from the depth of your soul. There is only Light, the shadow is here as we continue to traverse this polarity, we are given the Eyes that See All. We are the eyes of Justice. We see truth and it frees us from any illusions that are earthly created by human egoic mind. There is no fear around and within us. We live side by side in infinite timelines with the angelic realm. As we grow, learn and see more of the unseen fields of Light, let us invite their presence and feel their warmth. And glow like these angels dressed as humans around us. Thank you, so much beautiful souls, for being with me in this great dress rehearsal as we practice being angels here on Mother Earth. We become Masters of Light! Divine blessings!
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