14 Jul Anchored in the Past
When I listen to people, I realized that we are anchored in the past, either reminiscing from the past or desiring for the future. In the meantime, we are not present with what is being presented to us. What is unfolding right in your eyes? Who are the people around you? Do you feel out of reach and distant? When this happened to me, I take my time to reflect. I turned the situation around and asked myself, “what is it that I am not present for in this lifetime?” The answer was me! I am not present with myself!” A huge “aha” moment.
I learned a new trick, when my perceptions are leading me to what is projecting in my reality, I turned it around and asked myself to check in with my inner self. Whatever is in my life is my creation, I am the magnet of my creation. If it triggers me then I have some work to do. I have the power or magical alchemy to shift things around. Like in quantum fields, I am the perceiver and how I look at things will change the outcome of any situations. If I see things in the opposite of what I want, I learned to accept. I ask myself, “what are the things that are blocking me? What are the lessons that I learned? How can I bless this person who brought me the gift to my soul’s growth?” Relationships serve as catalyst for me to change my directions. To create a new trajectory of my soul’s path.
What I am learning is how to navigate and create something beautiful and flowing with grace to a situation that is seemingly stagnant or contracted? I am becoming fluid like water flowing in the river. I gain clarity on what I want to create. They become like doors of opportunities to grow and evolve. Life is constant, and I am open and wise not to waste my time, energy but to let go of things that are resistive and to flow with divine grace. To move forward with progress and know that I am being guided, protected and loved no matter what circumstances I am in. I like to experience life with multidimensionality with no boundaries but limitless possibilities. It is in this energy fields I can create with divine grace.
Finding time alone with myself as I write this, I am reinventing myself. What are the things that make me happy? Simple things like spending time with my grandkids, plants, my cat “Gaia”, crystals, ocean, candles, fruits and vegetables, gardening, writing, reading, walking in the forest, bathing nude in Crescent beach.. life is magical.
I love being vocal and expressive to things that I want to create. Having intentions and relating to the person on what I want to co-create. By listening, I found the answers to my soul. My soul is longing to be with me, not with projects or noise in my head but with my heart and soul. This is what is important with me.
I want to live my life in the present timeline, fully aware and awake of who are with me. To create love, peace and joy with every moment of my interactions and relations. To be present with kindness, compassion and wisdom. To see others as my mirrors that want to belong, to be loved and respected. I am present with my “beloved I AM presence!”
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