26 Mar Activations of our Light body
In the midst of this thick fog and confusion, we are being called to lighten up and focus on our heart chakra. Be compassionate but do not get engage in the linear third dimensional way of thinking. When you live in 5D, you are living with ease and divine grace. We bring our body’s divine intelligence and live inside our heart. We feel and integrate our thoughts to a higher vibration. We do not get attached to what others are going through. Be an observer of what is appearing simply as energy. We filter our emotions and thoughts and only allow energies that vibrate higher.
Be expansive and open your heart. We are going through a massive collective awakening of our consciousness and people who are living in 5D will experience it differently as they are focused on the light and not fear. Fear is ego and restrictive, when we have done our work energetically we vibrate in a higher frequency of love, compassion and Light.
Our physical body is wired based upon what you believe. Your reality is relative to the vibrations that you hold. The mass chaos is degraded DNA, our light body is expansive, completely surrender to what is. It is easy to get lost when we are in the head. It produces more fear when you activate this through listening to social media or news. Instead of putting energy and engaging in it, let go of fear and see beyond what we are seeing. Shift your reality into being fully conscious of what you see. When you feel that you are sucked in the draining energy, ask yourself, “What am I tuning into?” What you have is an entanglement and you need to be clear of what kind of energies are you allowing in your fields.
The ego makes you think that you are separated and you are not in true essence. The unified consciousness is about being all together in a harmonious field in a higher frequency. The higher dimension of our realities is being in the heart. We are in the world, but not in it. We can observe, see, and feel in a higher vibration and have to filter our existence without getting stuck in this shadow. It is time to clear the old programming of the 3D. This is a massive fear cleansing. We are here to bring awareness to the collective and to ourselves on how we can shift our consciousness into a higher vibration of love and unity.
Let us bring sacred harmonious geometrical forms into our ways of perceiving. When we vibrate higher, we are fully conscious of our experiences. We can make a difference by being an anchor of light for others. Everybody has their own reality and we can respect all of them. The difference that someone experiences is on a level of consciousness that is the effect of what they have internally created.
The gatekeepers are here working with Gaia to activate star gates and portals to expand our crystalline grids around mother earth. This is not new, it was pre-determined and we are waiting for this huge shift to happen. The embodiment of the soul will help you navigate though this chaos. The light codes are restructuring our DNA into divine and pure energy. By rebirthing a new template of our consciousness, we become the unified field of our consciousness. This is the evolution of our planet’s higher frequency of light. As this becomes our new way of programming, we understand how we are operating.
Are we fully connected and an embodiment of our soul? This becomes your priority, to be your light body and merge with it. You have no other choice, honoring this vibration and your body as a vehicle of this light. The application of this knowledge and when we do, the universe will support your shift. Everything is simple but we complicated things. We have to hold a high vibration with our whole being. Not separated but integrated and everything becomes energy. Consciousness is energy, the more Light you embody the more your life changes. You have to choose. The moment you surrender, life becomes easier.
When you receive downloads, you have to integrate then and allow what is happening. Embracing and truly opening your heart to what you came here to live and do. It will be a lot easier, working in unity, taking care of yourself and others. Reclaiming all aspects of you, 3D is drama, chaos and suffering, choose what you want to live in. When you have access to higher consciousness, you already know this is happening. You have been working on it, there is no time and separation.
Everything is here now. Quantum shift is seeing linear and becoming aware and not being bound by linearity. Infinite possibilities are here and you can choose which portal to live in. Working from the Source and reverse engineering what we want to create here. When you gain access, you become more connected. Everything you allow in this field you will create. A lot of people are holding onto old ways, they are gone. New earth is a vibrational frequency and all levels of consciousness that we are functioning from. Our brain is fused into our divine consciousness. You are gaining access to recreate your new world. Be free and attune to your highest vibrations.
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